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Siderits, Steven, Birkenstamm, Jennifer, Khani, Fransesca, and Sadamin, Eveta.,Three-

Dimensional Laser Scanning of "Crime Scene Gum" as a Forensic Method
Demonstrating the Creation of Virtual Tooth Surface Contour and Web-Based
Rapid Model Fabrication 2010, Volume 12, Number 2

Josh Hooton
CJ 1350- Introduction to Forensic Science

This article is discussing the usefulness of chewing gum as crime scene evidence.
The issue with chewing gum is that it is a malleable substance that is easily subject to
change and therefore can be made useless if exposed to extensive heat or pressure. This
study used scanners and computer technology as a means of creating a digital 3D model
of the gum to be able to get the impressions and use them for identification, so that they
could test the actual gum to isolate blood antigens and DNA.

They found that the scanners were a good way to do this and they were decently
priced. This will serve as an efficient and affordable way to use chewing gum as evidence
on a crime scene. There are online websites to create models of the gum and they will be
able to test it for everything else once they have the model therefore, using the gum for
all of its forensic potential.

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