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UTeach Dallas 5E Lesson Plan Template

Title: Finding The Volume Of Triangular Prisms

Author: Fanny Barrios
Team Members: Bonita Meadows
Date and Time of Lesson: 3/19/2013 2:44-3:30PM
Grade Level: 7th
Lesson Source: questions provided y !entor tea"her
Teas !ssential "no#ledge and S$ills %Process and &once't T!"S(:
(7.9) Measurement. The student solves application problems involvin
estimation and measurement. The student is e!pected to"
(#) connect models $or volume o$ prisms (trianular and rectanular) and
c%linders to $ormulas o$ prisms (trianular and rectanular) and c%linders& and
(') estimate measurements and solve application problems involvin volume
o$ prisms (rectanular and trianular) and c%linders.
English Language Proficiency Standard (learning strategies, listening, speaking,
reading or writing):
(() 'ross)curricular second lanuae ac*uisition+spea,in. The ELL spea,s in a variet%
o$ modes $or a variet% o$ purposes -ith an a-areness o$ di$$erent lanuae reisters
($ormal+in$ormal) usin vocabular% -ith increasin $luenc% and accurac% in lanuae arts
and all content areas. ELLs ma% be at the beinnin. intermediate. advanced. or advanced
hih stae o$ Enlish lanuae ac*uisition in spea,in. /n order $or the ELL to meet
rade)level learnin e!pectations across the $oundation and enrichment curriculum. all
instruction delivered in Enlish must be linuisticall% accommodated (communicated.
se*uenced. and sca$$olded) commensurate -ith the student0s level o$ Enlish lanuae
pro$icienc%. The student is e!pected to"
(D) spea, usin rade)level content area vocabular% in conte!t to internali1e ne-
Enlish -ords and build academic lanuae pro$icienc%&
Student Sentence Stem:
I have learned that volume means____________.
Volume is measure in _______________.
Concepts Statement: 2olume is the measure o$ the amount o$ space inside o$ a solid
3 4565 The Universit% o$ Te!as at Dallas
UTeach Dallas 5E Lesson Plan Template
$iure. li,e a cube. ball. c%linder or p%ramid. /t0s units are al-a%s 7cubic7. that is. the
number o$ little element cubes that $it inside the $iure.
The $ormula $or the volume o$ a rectanular prism is"
2olume 8 l ! - ! h
l 8 lenth
- 8 -idth
h 8 heiht
9r -hen usin a trianular prism %ou use 28#h. # is the area o$ the base and h is the
heiht(lenth) o$ the prism

Students will be able to calculate the volume of a prism.
Students will be able to Identify different characteristics of volume.
Students will be able to explain volume.
A''ro'riateness of Lesson to the Grade Level:
This lesson helps the students understand what volume is. It also helps them learn how
to calculate the volume of different triangular prisms. Each of the students will have their
own paper and work on their own after finishing they will share their answers with their
Materials List:
Each student -ill need"
Pae 4 o$ 7
UTeach Dallas 5E Lesson Plan Template
6 pretest and Post :ssessment
6 Trianular prism (to have a visual o$ the shape)
6 student sheet
1 rule
1 mathematics chart
The teacher will need:
1 triangular prism
27 sticks with the students name
Advanced Pre'arations:
The teacher will to set up all the name tents and all the materials in the students desk.
The teacher will also has to have the power point ready to start the lesson.
Safet*: #o severe sa$ety issues% this &esson is "o!p&ete&y sa$e% 'ust re!ind
students to e "are$u& with the ru&ers and the pris!s and not hit anyone(
Pae ( o$ 7
UTeach Dallas 5E Lesson Plan Template
!+PLO,AT-O. Time: /0 Minutes
1hat the Teacher 1ill Do Probing2!liciting
Student ,es'onses
and Misconce'tions
)he tea"her wi&& show a power
point to the students that
"ontains the sa!e questions as
they have in their student
*hat wi&& you do $irst+ Find the area o$ the ase(
,r the area o$ the trian-&e
Pae ; o$ 7
!.GAG!M!.T Time: 0 Minutes
1hat the Teacher 1ill Do Probing2!liciting
Student ,es'onses
and Misconce'tions
)he tea"her wi&& distriute a
pretest to a&& the students in the
*hat is vo&u!e+ )he inside o$ a shape(
)he tea"her wi&& then te&& the
students to e-in on
the pro&e!s( *hi&e the
students are the
tea"her wi&& wa&. around the
roo! "he".in- the student/s
wor.( 0$ter the students are
done the tea"her wi&& pi". up
the pre-test(
)o en-a-e the students the
tea"her wi&& $i&& up with water
two di$$erent "ontainers% whi"h
are a and a test tue(
)he two "ontainers wi&& have
the sa!e a!ount o$ water% ut
yet the students !i-ht thin. that
they don/t(
*hat are the units o$
1ive the students the
equation $or vo&u!e(
4 5 Bh
B 5 h 2area o$ the ase3
h 5 hei-ht o$ the pris!
6o!e 7i-ht: "!
% !
% $t
6o!e *ron-: "!% !% $t%
,ver a&& the it "an e any
unit ut it has to e "ui"(
)hen the tea"her e8p&ains that
the two "ontainers have the
sa!e a!ount o$ water( )o
prove this to the students the
tea"her wi&& the! pour the
water into two "&ear ea.ers
and showed the! that it is the
sa!e a!ount o$ water(
*hi"h "ontainer has
!ore water+
*hy do you thin. that this
"ontainer has !ore
)he test tue
Both have the sa!e
a!ount o$ water
UTeach Dallas 5E Lesson Plan Template
sheet( 6in"e this is their $irst
ti!e to &earn aout vo&u!e the
tea"her wi&& e8p&ain in detai&
how to $ind the vo&u!e o$ a
trian-u&ar pris!(
)he tea"her wi&& wor. the $irst
two pro&e!s with the students
and then wi&& -ive the! 9
!inutes to &et the! e8p&ore with
a trian-u&ar pris! and $ind the
vo&u!e( 0$ter the students are
done with that one o$ the
students wi&& "o!e up and show
what he/she did to $ind the
vo&u!e to &et those who didn/t
understand -et an idea o$ what
they have to do&( )he tea"her
wi&& then -ive the! 7 !inutes to
wor. on the other three
pro&e!s in their wor. sheet(
*hat do : have to $ind the
area o$ the ase $irst+
;ow do : $ind the area o$
the ase+
Be"ause you need that
part in order to "ontinue
in the ri-ht dire"tion(
0rea 5 ase < hei-ht
*hi&e the students are
on their pro&e!s the tea"her
wi&& wa&. around the "&assroo!
he&pin- students that are
havin- di$$i"u&ties(
)he tea"her wi&& a&so e
oservin- the wor. o$ the
*hat is the part that is
"on$usin- you+
;ow do you $ind vo&u!e+
: don/t understand why do
: have to $ind the area o$
the trian-&e $irst(
,r : don/t re!e!er how
to $ind vo&u!e(
4o&u!e 5 B<h
!+PLA.AT-O. Time: /4 Minutes
1hat the Teacher 1ill Do Probing2!liciting
Student ,es'onses
and Misconce'tions
)he tea"her wi&& then as. so!e
o$ the students $or the answer
they -ot and then wi&& as. the
others to see i$ they -ot si!i&ar
*hat was your $irst step+
*hat !ethods did you
use to -et to your
: "han-ed !y units(
: $ound the area o$ the
ase and then the rest(
Pae 5 o$ 7
UTeach Dallas 5E Lesson Plan Template
)he tea"her wi&& "a&& on di$$erent
students to "o!e to the
do"u!ent "a!era to show a&&
the wor. that they did whi&e
so&vin- $or the pro&e!s(
;ow did you -et your
*hat .ind o$ units are you
)he units that :/! usin-
are "!
0$ter -oin- over this the
tea"her wi&& then as. the
students to re&ate vo&u!e to
their everyday &i$e(
*here do you see
vo&u!e in your everyday
Bott&e o$ water%"o.e%
=ho"o&ate o8
!LA5O,AT-O. Time: /6 Minutes
1hat the Teacher 1ill Do Probing2!liciting
Student ,es'onses
and Misconce'tions
)he students wi&& have a $rayer
!ode& on their student sheet
and they wi&& have to -ive the
de$inition% "hara"teristi"s%
e8a!p&e% and a non-e8a!p&e o$
*hat is the de$inition o$
4o&u!e is the amount o$
space occupied b% a three)
dimensional ob<ect or
reion o$ space.
)he tea"her wi&& "a&& on di$$erent
students usin- the sti".s with
their na!es to -et di$$erent
points o$ view(
*hat are the
"hara"teristi"s o$ vo&u!e+
)he a!ount o$ spa"e an
o'e"t up(
=a&"u&ated in "uit units
:s the inside o$ an o'e"t
)he students wi&& have to
Bott&e o$ water( :t has an
a!ount o$ water inside(
F&at sur$a"e
!VAL7AT-O. Time: /6 Minutes
Pae = o$ 7
UTeach Dallas 5E Lesson Plan Template
1hat the Teacher 1ill Do Probing2!liciting
Student ,es'onses
and Misconce'tions
)o eva&uate the students the
tea"her wi&& pass out a post
6ee the atta"hed $i&es(
/nclude copies o$ one pae evaluation and handouts i$ used.
Pae 7 o$ 7

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