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(Hummingbird Tree, Sesban, Scarlet Wisteria Tree, Corkwood tree)

Sesbania grandiflora
Family: Fabaceae
Fast-growing tropical tree. Native to India, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines.
Ornamental shade, reforestation and medicinal tree, nrse crop and companion plant.
Natrali!es easily and will challenge other vegetation. Often grown in association
with Pippali "Piper nigrm#, which see. $he leaves, green frit and the flowers are
edible to both hmans and domestic stoc%. & red, astringent gm will e'de from
wonds in the bar%. Medicinal attribtes are legion, from headache and stffy nose to
nyctalopia "night-blindness#. Cultivation: (asy. )carify seed by dropping in *st-
boiled water and letting sit overnight, or nic% seed and soa% overnight before
planting. $olerates droght, heavy soils, poor soils and waterlogged soils bt not
frost. $rees may be grown closely together to form a shade-prodcing shelterbelt, or
may be planted at fifteen foot distance to flly develop the woody portions. Flowers
large, pendlos, pin% or white in color.
+etrn to ,erb )eed Inde'

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