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Alexanders (Black Lovage, Alisanders)

Smyrnium olisatrum
Family: Apiaceae
Herbaceous biennial, sometimes perennial. Native to the Meditterannean, Syria and
the Canary Islands. Carried by the Romans on their marches o con!uest, Ale"anders
has been used rom an early date as a sprin# ve#etable and ortiyin# tonic. $he
lo%er buds can be pic&led li&e caulilo%er. $his is a si#niicant and stately historical
herb, %hich %ill elicit #reat curiosity rom those visitin# your #arden. Cultivation:
'"tra care. $he seed must be so%n in the all or very early sprin#, as it re!uires a
period o moist, cold conditionin# beore it %ill sprout. Ho%ever, #ermination is
dependable and the seedlin#s produced are lar#e and vi#orous. $hin or transplant to (
eet apart. Folia#e and lo%ers yello%ish)#reen and ruits blac&, #ro%in# in the
second year to a hei#ht o *)+ eet.
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