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BLT sandwhich.

(Bacon, lettuce and tomato)

12oz. of your favorite Bacon. we will e using a!!lewood smo"ed for our
$ head of lettuce.
Tomatos. The amount you will need will de!end on how many sandwhichs you
!lan on ma"ing. This will also de!end on the size of the tomato. I li"e to use
smaller tomoatos and with those i do two sandwhichs !er tomato.
Bread. %ic" your favorite read my favorite is honeywheat so that is what we will
e using in our e#am!le.
&iracle whi!'&ayo or whatever your favorite sandwhich s!read is.
(oo"ing &aterial.
$ coo"ing !an
$ for" or tong. (this is used for fli!!ing the acon so use whatever you are more
comfertale with using)
(utting oard.
)nife. (this will e used to cut the lettuce and the tomatoes.)
*e will start with the acon. Turn the urner on to +',ths and !lace your coo"ing
%lace Bacon into !an to coo" it. -ou will want to occasionally lift acon to chec"
how coo"ed it is. .ow long to coo" it de!ends on how you li"e your acon
(cris!y, chewy ect.)
*e will now cut the lettuce. $ll you need to do is !lace your lettuce on your
cutting oard and get your "nife. The amount of lettuce you will need will de!end
on how much lettuce you want on your sandwhich. I cut around an 1'/ a head of
lettuce !er two sandwhichs. Then rea" your lettuce a!art into se!erate !ieces.
all we have left now is to cut the tomatoes. 0ice the tomatoes in slice that are
aout an 1'/ of an inch
1ow we 2ust have to assemle our sandwhich.
Ta"e your read and your favorite sandwhich s!read (if you want some on there)
and a!!ly it to oth slices of read.
Ta"e you lettuce !ieces and !ut the amount you would li"e on the read.
then ta"e your stri!s of acon and !ut on as much as your li"e. (more is etter in
my o!inion)
you will then ta"e your slice of tomatoes and !ut on as many as you li"e.
It will loo" something li"e th !icture elow.
then ta"e your other slice of read and !ut it on to! of it and en2oy.

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