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Name __________________________________________ Class ______________________________

Unit Test 9
Answer all thirty questions. There is one mark per question.
1 Complete the sentences with appropriate expressions from the box. You will not need all
the expressions given.
barriers / open borders / free port / developing industries / dumping / tariffs / strategic industry /
restrictions / quotas / laissez-faire / liberalise / customs / deregulation / subsidise / regulations
1 The computer industry is almost entirely unregulated, governed only by the Darwinian laws
of _______________ economics
! Transport companies have to comply with strict _______________ when carrying to"ic
waste and dangerous chemicals
# $rance sees ban%ing as a _______________ The government will prevent any attempt by a
foreign ban% to ta%e over a $rench ban%
& 'n an open mar%et, there are by definition very few _______________ on the movement of
( )ince the _______________ of the *) airline industry a few decades ago, a lot of airlines
have been started, and a lot have gone ban%rupt
+ ,rior to !--., /ong 0ong had one of the strictest import duties on alcohol in the world,
despite the city1s reputation as a _______________ for most other products
. 2hina1s commerce minister tried to convince 3russels to reverse contentious anti-
_______________ tariffs against 2hinese imports
4 The president re5ected all protectionist measures and promised to push ahead with his
commitment to _______________ the economy
6 'n the 7*, _______________ to trade in goods were dismantled much more quic%ly than
those to services
1- )ome companies _______________ high-quality childcare facilities
!n each sentence" cross out the two incorrect options in italics.
11 8hat would happen if ' dont / didnt / wouldnt reach my sales targets9
1! Will / Would / Did you change your position if we meet again ne"t month9
1# 'f we will make / made / make you an e"clusive agent, we e"pect you to cover all
advertising costs
1& 8e won1t be able to use the new software unless / if / provided you train our staff
1( 8e will offer more favourable terms if not / as long as / unless you order a larger amount
# Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1+ 'f you _______________ :not / offer; such good terms, we wouldn1t do business with you
1. 8e cannot agree to the contract unless you _______________ :offer; us e"clusivity
14 'f you _______________ :shorten; the delivery time, we could negotiate a better price
16 'n future, we _______________ :not / be able; to reduce the price unless you give us a firm
order in advance
!- 'f we place a very large order, _______________ :you / be able; to despatch immediately9
!1 <ur price would include insurance only if your order _______________ :be; really large
!! =s long as you guarantee prices for the ne"t two years, we _______________ :sign; the
!# ,rovided that you can offer a 1-> discount, we _______________ :double; the size of our
!& 8e _______________ :buy; from them if their payment terms weren1t better than their
!( 'f we _______________ :know; a better supplier, we1d stop doing business with Dumont
$ Correct the sentences below by crossing out the unnecessary word in each sentence.
!+ 'f you place order this wee%, we1ll give you a bigger discount
!. 8hat do you have in the mind9
!4 /ave ' got this is right9
!6 That would it be difficult for us
#- ' thin% we1ve covered out everything

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