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Angelica, Official

Angelica archangelica
Family: Apiaceae
Biennial. Native to temperate Europe, Siberia and the Himalayan Mountains.
Cultivated orldide. Medicinal !ardens crave the presence o" this, the o""icial
species. Bitter aromatic, antimicrobial and carminative. Floers yello#!reen in the
second year to a hei!ht o" $ "eet. %" you order An!elica ithout speci"yin! hich
species, this is the one e ill send you. General cultivation: E&tra care. Cold#
stored seed. Short#lived seed. So in "all or very early sprin!. 'ress li!ht dependent
!erminators into sur"ace o" soil and (eep moist, partially shaded. )irect seed or start
in pots or "lats and transplant. An!elica is per"ectly cold hardy. 'lant pre"ers part
shade to "ull sun* rich, moist, poorly drained soil. +hese biennial plants usually "orm
a bushy rosette in the "irst year, "olloed by a "loerin! stal( and early "ruitin! in the
second year, a"ter hich the plant dies. ,ac( o" nutrition, ater, or choppin! bac( the
"loerin! stal( ill usually e&tend li"e cycle "or another year or more. Harvest root
in the "all o" the "irst year, split and dry "or use in teas or tinctures. Harvest seed as it
matures "or use in tea or tincture.
-eturn to Herb Seed %nde&

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