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Grammar Knowledge

This element involves students understanding the role of grammatical features in the
construction of meaning in the texts they compose and comprehend. It involves
understanding how different types of sentence structures present, link and elaborate ideas,
and how different types of words and word groups convey information and represent ideas
in the learning areas. The element also includes understanding the grammatical features
through which opinion, evaluation, point of view and bias are constructed in texts. In
developing and acting with literacy, students:
use knowledge of sentence structures
use knowledge of words and word groups
express opinion and point of view.

-ACARA, Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority
EN1-9B Uses basic grammatical features, punctuation conventions and vocabulary
appropriate to the type of text when responding to and composing texts

understand that simple connections can be made between ideas by using a
compound sentence with two or more clauses usually linked by a coordinating
conjunction (ACELA1467)
explore differences in words that represent people, places and things (nouns,
including pronouns), happenings and states (verbs), qualities (adjectives) and details
such as when, where and how (adverbs) (ACELA1452)
Recognise that a preposition placed in front of a noun group can show where, when,
eg 'on the box' (where), 'before my birthday' (when)
recognise that time connectives sequence information in texts
recognise that different types of punctuation, including full stops, question marks and
exclamation marks, signal sentences that make statements, ask questions, express
emotion or give commands (ACELA1449)
recognise that capital letters signal proper nouns and commas are used to separate
items in lists (ACELA1465)
experiment with the use of quoted (direct) and reported (indirect) speech
begin to organise ideas into paragraphs when composing texts
compose sentences effectively using basic grammatical features and punctuation
use subjectverb and nounpronoun agreement when composing texts and
responding to texts orally and in writing

Week Crammar locus 8eglsLraLlon and LvaluaLlon
1 verbs - acLlon and Lhlnklng
2 uncLuaLlon - Commas
noun group
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Adverblal phrase
9%01$-,&13+ 3:1$/ -0(%$7/1-%0 /,%&1 123
7/-0 4./&+35 36#6 2%)5 )2305 )23$3 /0*

;./43* -0 ($%01 %( / 0%&0 #$%&' 1% +2%)
)23$3 %$ )230

! )%$* 12/1 *3+4$-,3+ / 0%&0

7 uncLuaLlon - speech marks
CreaLlve language feaLures

8evlew of grammar concepLs LaughL Lhls

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