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An Overview of Performance Management

1. Job redeployment may take place as a consequence of finding out the strengths and weaknesses.
2. PM enables employees to achieve personal growth through acquiring relevant skills, attitudes and
3. Conversation between employee and supervisor creates excellent work atmosphere.
4. The purpose of performance management can be broadly classified into driving results, building
capability and growing talent.
5. In PM goals and expectations of the organization team and individual are clearly defined with the
purpose of driving results.
6. The purpose of growing talent is achieved through identifying and rewarding talent.
7. PM is an ideal vehicle to create engagement.
8. An engaged employee is willing to put discretionary effort into his work which is the crux of
performance management.
9. In a UK based survey companies with highly engaged employees collectively saw operating income
rise by 19.2% while those below average levels of engagement collectively saw a fall of 32.7%.
10. between setting of target and end of the year evaluation, some organization follow mid cycle
reviews. This fulfils the principles of flow. False
11. In order to prevent misinterpretation PM should follow the principles of measurability. True
12. Improve the quality of management fulfils the principle of flow. False
13. The key inputs in PM system are individuals and organizational
14. One of the most practical feedbacks is reward.
15. Information exchange and access of information to one and all makes the system open system.
16. Output dimension is the most acceptable visible and measurable dimension of performance.
17. Input dimension deals with the activities or tasks to be accomplished by the individual.
18. Your manager asks you to put all your effort in pushing the new product line no matter what.
This is called focus dimension of performance.

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