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Summer Internship Program (SIP)


(To be completed by the Company)

Name of the Executive Designated :

Address :

Name of the Summer Trainee :

Period of Internship :

1. During the SIP Program how did you find the students overall performance?
Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor

2. Was the student able to handle the assignment/task properly?
To a very large extent To a large extent To a certain extent Very tentative

3. How did you find the student in terms of the following? Please tick

Excellent Very good Good Poor

Attendance / Regularity

Commitment to work

Logical reasoning

Conceptual clarity

Ability to communicate

4. According to you, the chances for converting the SIP projects into final placements are
Very Good Good Fair Hardly any chance

5. Any suggestions for the betterment of SIP Programme

Signature of the Executive

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