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1. How many Mahajanapads were powerful during 600 in North India ?

Ans. Four MahajanapadsA!anti" #ats" $osala and Magadh

%. &hi'h was the 'apital of the (ingdom A!anti?
Ans. )jjain.
*. &hi'h was the 'apital of the (ingdom #ats?
Ans. $ausam+hi.
,. &hi'h was the 'apital of the (ingdom $osala?
Ans. Ayodhya.
-. &hi'h was the 'apital of the (ingdom .i'hha!i?
Ans. #aishah.
6. &hi'hwas the 'apital 'ity of the $ingdom $ashi?
Ans. #aranasi.
7. /f whi'h Mahajanapad $apil!astu repu+li' was a part?
Ans. $osala.
0. &here were two 'apital 'ities of $apil!astu repu+li'?
Ans. $apil!astu and .um+ini.
1. /f whi'h Mahajanpad 2rasenjit was the ruler?
Ans. $osala.
10. &hi'h Mahajanapad was the first repu+li' of India?
Ans. .i'hha!i.
11. &here was the 'apital Magadh during the reign 0 3im+isara?
Ans. 4iri!iraja.

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