Software Engineering II - CS605 Fall 2006 Assignment 08

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Software Engineering-II (CS605) Assignment No.

Assignment No. 8: Software Reengineering
Subject Software
Assigne! 20-01-2007 Assignment "ar#s 15
Instructor: CS605 Team $ue $ate 26-01-2007 Attac%e! &i'es Non
1- Tis assignment wi!! e!" #o$ to $n%erstan% ow %ifferent Re&erse Engineering

1- Tis is an in%i&i%$a! assignment. (o$ wi!! s$)mit #o$r wor* in%i&i%$a!!# tro$g #o$r !ogins.
2- +rite #o$r name an% ro!! n$m)er at te start of te assignment.
,- (o$ 'an ta*e e!" from te internet.
-- .!ease note tat #o$ m$st %o #o$r own wor*. If an# one fo$n% 'o"#ing from anoter
st$%ent/ no mar*s wi!! )e gi&en to im0 er.
5- 1ea%!ine for tis assignment is 26
2an$ar#/ 2007. Tis %ea%!ine wi!! not )e e3ten%e%.
6- No assignment wi!! )e a''e"te% tro$g emai! )efore an% after te %$e %ate.
7- If #o$ a&e an# "ro)!em/ fee! free to mai! at CS6054&$.e%$."*.
*.What are the different uses of reverse engineering and What stages are
involved in the reverse engineering process? +,5 mar#s-
5 Co"# Rigt 6irt$a! 7ni&ersit# of .a*istan

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