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Software Engineering-II (CS605) Assignment No.

Assignment No. 4: Software Risk Analysis and Management
Subject Software
Assigne! 17-11-2! Assignment "ar#s 1
Instructor: "S!# $ue $ate $-12-2! Attac%e! &i'es Non
1- %&is assignment will &el' yo( to (nderstand t&e )asi* *on*e'ts a)o(t Risk Analysis
and Management

1- %&is is an indi+id(al assignment. ,o( will s()mit yo(r work indi+id(ally t&ro(g& yo(r logins.
2- -rite yo(r name and roll n(m)er at t&e start of t&e assignment.
.- /o not *o'y and 'aste any t&ing from t&e internet. ,o(r work m(st )e original.
4- 0lease note t&at yo( m(st do yo(r own work. If any one fo(nd *o'ying from anot&er
St(dent1 no marks will )e gi+en to &im2 &er.
#- /eadline for t&is assignment is $ /e*em)er1 2!. %&is deadline will not )e e3tended.
!- No assignment will )e a**e'ted t&ro(g& email )efore and after t&e d(e date.
7- If yo( &a+e any 'ro)lem1 feel free to mail at "S!#4+(.ed(.'k.
5. /es*ri)e t&e differen*e )etween risk *om'onents and risk dri+ers in yo(r own words. 61
8 "o'y Rig&t 9irt(al :ni+ersity of 0akistan

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