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Software Engineering-II (CS605) Assignment No.

Assignment No. 3: Risk Analysis
Subject Software
Assigne! 03-11-2006 Assignment "ar#s 20
Instructor: CS60 !eam $ue $ate 0"-11-2006 Attac%e! &i'es Non
1- #o$ will %o Risk Analysis for t&e gi'en (ase st$%ies. !&ese are real worl% e)am*les of
Risk Analysis. !&ey will gi'e yo$ &an% on e)*erien(e of *erforming Risk Analysis.

1- !&is is an in%i'i%$al assignment. #o$ will s$+mit yo$r work in%i'i%$ally t&ro$g& yo$r logins.
2- ,rite yo$r name an% roll n$m+er at t&e start of t&e assignment.
3- -o not (o*y an% *aste any t&ing from t&e internet. #o$r work m$st +e original.
.- /lease note t&at yo$ m$st %o yo$r own work. If any one fo$n% (o*ying from anot&er
st$%ent0 no marks will +e gi'en to &im1 &er.
- -ea%line for t&is assignment is 0" No'em+er0 2006. !&is %ea%line will not +e e)ten%e%.
6- No assignment will +e a((e*te% t&ro$g& email +efore an% after t&e %$e %ate.
2- If yo$ &a'e any *ro+lem0 feel free to mail at CS603'$.e%$.*k.
Case Stu!ies
1. S$**ose t&at yo$ are one of t&e software team w&ose res*onsi+ility is to +$il% a 4a&ore
5nline +ot& information System0 w&ose work is to (reate an% e%it reso$r(e allo(ation gra*&s
6(olle(tions of no%es an% e%ges7 'ia a gra*&i(al $ser interfa(e. E)am*les of o*erations t&at
m$st +e im*lemente% are a%%ing0 %eleting e%ges0 i%entifying s$+ gra*&s0 et(. !&e system
s&o$l% ena+le $sers to lo(ate a *arti($lar *la(e an% t&e +est way to rea(& t&at *la(e .system
s&o$l% ena+le $sers to sa'e an% im*ort t&e $n%erlying gra*& mo%els in some a**ro*riate te)t-
+ase% format0 *refera+ly 894. !&e team &as no *re'io$s e)*erien(e in 894.

&or t%ese *rob'ems+ !o t%e fo''owing
:. I%entify t&e main te(&ni(al risks in ea(& of t&e a+o'e s(enarios0 an% s$ggest a strategy for
managing against t&em.
2. ,&y is it im*ortant for software %e'elo*ers to make $se of meas$rement to g$i%e t&eir
< Co*y Rig&t =irt$al >ni'ersity of /akistan

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