Iqra University Islamabad Spring 2013 Write The References. 1. Books

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Iqra University Islamabad

Spring 2013
Write the references.
1. Boos
i. THE LIGHT BETWEEN OCEANS By M L Stedman, Published
ate! "#$"%$&"'&, ()*mat! Pa+e*ba,-, ISBN! ./0"0#/#&'"'., Publishe*! )uble
ay 1SA, N) )2 Pa3es! 450.
2. !onference "aper
i. Lea*nin3 t) +*edi,t *eadin3 2*ames in e.,)lidna se6uen,es This +a+e* a++ea*s in!
System S,ien,es, '..4, P*),eedin3 )2 the T7enty8Si9th Ha7aii
Inte*nati)nalC)n2e*en,e )nate )2 C)n2e*en,e! #80 :an '..4
Auth)*;s<!C*a=en, M.W. e+t. )2 C)m+ut. S,i., Wis,)nsin 1ni=., Madis)n, WI,
1SA Sha=li-, :.W.>)lume! i Pa3e;s<! //4 8 /0& =)l.'
3. Boo Section
i. Cha+te* '. Basi,s )2 :a=a P*)3*ammin3, P*)3*amme*?s Guide t) :a=a@
Ce*ti2i,ati)n, A! A C)m+*ehensi=e P*ime*, Se,)nd Editi)n, By Ahalid A.
Mu3hal, B)l2 W. Basmussen, Publishe*! Addis)n Wesley, Pub ate! Au3ust "%,
&""4, ISBN! "8&"'8/&0&08', Pa3es! 5/&.
ii. Cha+te* '/. Pe*2)*min3 Net7)*- Ba,-u+s,Ad=an,ed Linu9 Net7)*-in3, By
B)de*i,- W. Smith, Publishe*! Addis)n Wesley, Pub ate! :une'', &""&, ISBN!
"8&"'8//%&48&, Pa3es! /0%.
#. $o%rnal "aper
i. Multidimensi)nal >CSEL8a**ay +sh$+ull m)dule 2ab*i,ated usin3 the sel28
ali3nment m)untin3 te,hin6ues A)sa-a, H.C AaDita, M.C Su3im)t), E.
C)m+)nents, Pa,-a3in3, and Manu2a,tu*in3 Te,hn)l)3y, Pa*t B! Ad=an,ed
Pa,-a3in3, IEEE T*ansa,ti)ns )n >)lume! &' , Issue! %
i3ital ObDe,t Identi2ie*! '".''".$.5./4"%4" Publi,ati)n Eea*! '..0 , Pa3e;s<!
%/' 8 %/0 Cited by! '

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