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1. Visionary & futuristic

2. Learnability
3. Listening and ability to accept feedback
4. Care and concern for people
5. Nurturing Talent
6. Innovation- The key to sustainability and prosperity
7. Thinking big with wealth creating & opportunity sensing capability and
demonstrating endless appetite for fast growth.
8. Empowerment with accountability
9. Building Future leaders
10. Speed and Action centric
11. Emotional intelligence & Inclusive behaviour is a key attribute required for a leader
12. Mentor and coach
13. Using state of art technology
14. Mastering the art of communication
15. Continuous raising the bar of excellence
16. Global
17. Emphasis on competitive co-partnership
18. Creativity
19. To encourage innovation organization need to give freedom to act and allow them to
get out of their comfort zone.
20. Technology will enable business agility and therefore winning organization use
state of the art technology.
21. Effective meeting a tool for business growth
22. Pillars of competitive edge
23. Non-Hierarchical organization
24. Developing multiple routes for faster growth
25. Developing high performance centric organization
26. Be in the business of knowledge creation
27. Creating Multi skilling & Multi tasking
28. Good Leaders go beyond comfort zone
29. A leader is like a coach
30. Spot and talent utilize strength of team
31. Time Management:-
32. Great leaders put others in comfort zone
33. The function of leadership is to produce more leaders and not more followers
34. Creating enthusiastic people is the challenge for the leadership

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