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ie vn ay Yeh "Why are all our eyes blacked out?" "After “years of witnessing the same faces and places day after day, our eyes grew tired. Nature felt that they no longer served any purpose and they began to recede back into our heads. Maybe now that we ys ped attempting to change things, they will come back out to view the world once more." Sheol trapped in a time looy disaster in early 2010 which killed everyone in the village, the inhabitants ‘found themselves waking up at the beginning of the day before the accident. The day played itself out exactly as it had done previously, the people were killed and then returned once again to the previous morning. After a long time, something within the minds of the creatures in Kold begin to realize that _ something was wrong. Nature rejected the recurrence of the same day over and over again and they begin to retain slight fractions of memory from each loop, as if resisting it's sadistic power. Their physical bodies began to show evidence of this repetition; although they never aged, nature adapted to the endless cycle that they endured through their doing the same things every-day. Men who had spent the day doing physical work began to grow massive muscle mass while those who spent it in front of the television grew frail and weak. People who spent the day learning a certain subject became masters of their art while those performing certain skills achieved perfection. They were evolving. This urged them to the realization that they were not simply waking up as they thought they had been on anormal timeline, but they were trapped in an endless cycle of the very same day. As people tried to come to terms with this idea, many of them found it impossible to comprehend and having to deal with the concept that they were essentially physically mutated and forever cursed to live ina single day with no growth or change caused many to lose their minds. This divided the people. Some, who refuused to believe despite being told day after day by those who had accepted their fate, chose to carry on as they always had done - attempting to ignore their reality in the vain hope that eventually the cycle would stop and they could finally rest in peace. Others changed their ways and stopped repeating the day as they had been doing for so long, As they began to retain more memory, they could predict the future of the day and hoped they would be able to alter it's events and save themselves. Their obstacle became the mystery of the source of what killed them No-matter what they did, or how they acted, it seemed the events of the world were destined to play ‘out the same way and they knew that every time they were killed, they would re-awake the previous morning. A rare few who simply didn't work it out and were not showed by the others, carried on as if on autopilot. The worst effected were those who couldn't handle the repetition. The mundanity and monotony of their daily lives drove them insane. They became beast-like and roamed wild, evolving predatory features and attacking any who crossed their paths. The sane labelled them: ‘The Departed’. heoopMechanic 1 c pable time-lo peenmemcaere rene nba Ite cintei Senn themorning and playsout over a 24 hour period. h jod has become known as ‘Day Zero’, Every time Day Zero is played out, the world starts to alter ery subtly at first and then progressively more dramatic and violent towards the end of the day wher ~ iterupts into chaos and destroys itself: This occurs in the form of natural disaster events such as storms, ~ earthquakes, fires, meteor showers etc. These environmental occurences are on a strict timeline and will play out in the same way every time Day Zero is played out. S Se Se Player start ———— Destruction! Gain aySam 1pm Spin opt Gn a Ban Gan The first time the player starts a new game, all of the characters will too be on a set routine. Enemies will patrol the same areas and the NPC’s who are ‘sleeping’ will continue their set routines no matter how the player tries to interfere. Those who have been ‘awoken’ however will be subject to change their routines and thus change the course of the day, depending on how the player chooses to interact with them, Since the whole course of the game plays out over a single day (reduced to actual game time of only a few houts), every time the player makes a timeline altering decision, an alternate timeline will be auto- matically generated by the computer giving the player the opportunity to experiment with the effects of their decision, The alternate timeline’s will act like ‘levels’ that the player can jump between, the original unaltered day like a ‘hub-world” from which the player can create new one’s and experiment. OAMN KPO New Timelines From playing through the events of alternate timelines, the player may unlock new abilities which he can then use in the main hub to create more new levels. If the player wishes to revert back to beginning of the day, he need only play it out to the end (at which point he will be killed, reverting him back to the start) or kill himself (through a specific option, to the same effect). By trying out various quests with all their different outcomes and in doing so, learning many new abilities, the player will eventually learn the reasons behind the whole scenario and achieve the power to finish it finally at the end of Day Zero on the main timeline. surope, Kold houses a small population largely made of farmers and other skilled workers. It has very_| Tittle trade and is mostly self-sufficient so the locals rarely have any outside contact. Thus, the community s fairly primitive by western standards, There are few shops, a church, a police station, a hospital and a town river, a small lake and a forest area which leads into the mountains It is mid-november so the trees are bare, there is snow on the ground and a heavy mist descends on the town as the sun rises inthe —momin; People are out gath- ering firewood and hunting deer in the forest. The chureh is conducting its festive ceremonies and the residents of Kold are busy readying themselves for the annual seasons weather, By night an eerie winter ilence falls on the town, The surrounding village is made up 0 many small cottages and old houses, joined at random by gardens and patches of famland. It is connected by narrow winding streets and ancient short brick walls and fences. It becomes more concentrated in the centre, where the town area is located. People drive old pick-up truck tractors and cheap 80°s hatchbacks. Everywhere you go, there are trees and foliage and a fairly large popula tion of wild animals inhabit all but the most ‘industrial’ areas. Sheol was one of the last to be ‘awoken’. He was only discovered after many cycles since a small portion of the communities initial ‘awakening’. Although he had been in the village on that day, he had obviously spent it alone and it was only when others began to dramatically deviate from their set routines that he was found and awoken, As is the same with everyone who has realized that they are in this cycle, Sheol's memories of what he had originally done the first time the day had occurred quickly faded. His thoughts were replaced with the perception of what was going to happen and his freedom to do whatever he wished during this time. Very obviously, whatever Sheol had been doing day after day for so long had led him to attain dramatic physical abilities to the extent of no other in the village. Like many, he had evolved a tail for extra balance and had physical fitness beyond that of an olympic athlete. His hands and feet had become almost claws and his 5 main senses had become finely attuned, Matching those of specialized animals in the natural world. For a young boy, he now had the maturity of someone way beyond his years. To the other residents of Kold and unto himself, Sheol is a mystery. Character Movement Sheol has become an athletic, agile and feral creature since his evolution. His movement is fluid and faced-paced and he has the ability to perform great acrobatic feats that would leave ordinary human boys in awe. Sheol not only uses his ind talents to explore the land- scape but also to achieve a dynamic and intimidating fighting style during combat. ee "which while at first can only be used to ty enemies, later develops to a point where it causes physical damage and can eventually hurl them great distances Both his hands and feet grow large bone claws which he uses to attack enemies and also as an aid to climbing and digging. The first of his more complex designs, Sheol ; mutates his own forearm into a projectile weapon SE ~~» which fires bullet-like shards of bone using an “4 = internal gas system. This may improve in accuracy = Ss and evolve to fire in bursts. In order to replenish his 5 y, bodies resources, Sheol must eat regularly. A more powerful development of his ‘pistol’ mutation, this form incorpo- rates natural acids to fire a blast which imitates that of a high-powered shotgun and delivers a nasty after- burn. In close-quarters the ‘barrel’ acts as an extended mouth which can eat enemies and replenish ‘ammo” 4) ae In desperate situations, Sheol learns to literally ‘cough’ his skeleton at enemies, the impact of which causes them massive damage as the skeleton contin- ues to attack until it is weakened to the point of © death. Such an act requires a high amount of — physical energy and a long recovery time. The Lance aets like a claw or grappling hook that ean be fired from the palm of Sheols hand, It can be used to immobi- lise enemies and drag them towards him or interact with the scenery eg. Pull a {ree across a ravine to form a bridge. Sheol can also use it to pull himself towards unreachable areas" or simply up to the ceiling where he can surprise oblivious ‘enemies, Finally, the Lance can also be used to create traps for the enemies like tripwires or simply as a weapon with which to strangle helpless victims. The Residents of Kold (AKA The NPC’s) The inhabitants of the town of Kold are forsaken. Cursed to live in bodies which have naturally evolved to suit whatever mediocre task that they may have been doing on that day. Now that they have awoken to the fact that they live in a constant loop, they have the free will to try and change things but they are not the people they once were. The lumberjack now posses upper body strength beyond that of a pro body-builder and has grown a “neck-beard” to keep him warm while he chops wood outdoors. He is also a master with his axe. The baby that did nothing but eat and sleep all day has evolved perfectly to suit his, lifestyle, his muscle-mass reduced to almost zero and his body fat making up the majority of his physical form. The girl who spent most of the day in bed has also begun to lose muscle through lack of using any and now meanders around like a sleep-walker, half dreaming. The philosophy student, who was browsing the intemet for research on day zero has 5. spent the equivalent of thousands of years learning and his head has had to evolve to cope with the expansion of his brain. Through lack of sunlight his skin has become j= pale and his body has grown frail and weak from sitting down all day. He does >) however, bear almost infinite knowledge about the workings of a computer! Many of the townsfolk will play a big part in Sheols exploration of this new world, leading him on various quests and ‘side-missions’. Some g ~~ will genuinely try to help him, others will only be out to help themselves and there will be those who simply want to make life difficult for him... These beasts have not only evolved based on their actions on day zero, but since they lost their minds causing many to now possess physical features characteris- tic of natural predators such as sharp teeth and claws, heightened senses and stronger instincts. appear from chil x d bear the "same exaggerated features _ evolved towns-people. Departed, where possible, are cast out of the main suburban regions — and now roam the surrounding — areas, occasionally returning to attack the inhabitants for food. They are lonely, independant crea- tures, savage and unpredictable. is a 7th Generation — 3D action-RPG. It boasts cutting-edge stylized graphics that bridge the gap between all out photo-realism and comic-book animation. Main gameplay features include: © Deep and compelling story-line. Unique ‘Alternate-Timeline Creation’ mechanic. ®@ Multiple Quests with a dramatic and intuitive cause and effect system. ie, @ Hundreds of NPC’s to interact with. @Large Sand-box area with interactiy environment. @ Epic 3rd-Person action combining h: to hand combat and shooter. Fast and fluid character control. ge ‘| i te Rated 18 due to mature themes, tg oi adult language and strong violence

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