Client Admin

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A Client is an independent business unit within an R/3 system

Data in the R/3 are classified as Client-Dependent and Client-independent.
Client-independent data such as ABAP programs, R/3 repository objects etc. are available
throughout the entire system.
Other data is client-dependent. Meaning, it can be viewed from one client.
The client-dependent data includes customizing, application and user data.
Enterprise IMG is client independent.
From a technical viewpoint, a three-figure number identifies a client. This number is used as a
key within tables that contain application data.
The field, which stores this number in the tables, is MANDT. This field is the first field in the
tables primary key.
These tables are client dependent and the data of a client can be accessed only if we log on with
that client.
Apart from the client-dependent data / tables, we also have client-independent tables which are
valid and the data in these tables can be accessed from all the clients.
SAP comes with some pre-configure clients. They are Client 000, 001 and 066 in the non-IDES
system. In the IDES system we also have client 800 which contains the IDES data.
Each of these clients has a specific purpose. For example:
Client 000 is used for administration purposes and as a template for additional client. No changes
should be made in this client.
Client 001 is for test purposes regarding ECU
Client 066 is for SAP Remote Services.
Client 800 contains the IDES data (in case of IDES version).
Along with the standard clients SAP also comes with some standard users.
Users and their configuration such their password, mater record etc. is client dependent.
Client 000 and 001 come with standard users SAP* and DDIC with standard passwords
06071992 and 19920706 respectively.
Client 066 comes with user EARLYWATCH with the password SUPPORT
It is advisable to change the standard password of the above users for security reasons since these
users are the superusers.
Since you should not work in the standard clients (except for administrative purposes), you need
to create a copy of the clients.
The most time is required for physically copying the data because all the client-specific data in
the SAP system has to be copied. When application data is copied in production systems this can
entail a few 100MB and therefore take several hours. When only customizing data is copied, only
up to 150 MB is involved and consequently copying only requires a few hours, depending on the
hardware and system load.
Possible damage resulting from incorrect copying of the client to the target makes it necessary to
possess the following authorizations for the copying process:
S_TABU_CLI allows table maintenance in all clients
S_TABU_DIS allows maintenance of the contents of table CCCFLOW
For copying user master records and user profiles the appropriate authorizations for maintaining
user master records and profiles are required:
S_USER_PRO for the user profile
S_USER_GRP for the user master records
A client without application data needs approximately 150-200 MB space in the
The client copy tool always first deletes the tables in the target system and then reads the new
data, block by block, from the source client before importing it into the target client.
When you define a new client an entry is made in the table T000. You edit this table by executing
the transaction code SM30
To create a new client you need to login as user SAP* in client 000 with password PASS
When you delete the client, you need to take care that the client entry in the table T000 is also
During the copying process, a large amount of data is moved, requiring a corresponding amount
of storage and machine resources. This can cause a system crash. In order to reduce the system
load and to sustain online processing, a commit is executed after each table to reduce the size of
rollback segments in the database. When several very small tables are involved, the commit is not
executed until an appropriate threshold value is reached.
If very large tables (application tables) are copied, set the profile parameter rdisp/PG_SHM to a
multiple of 8 Kbytes.
For starters, you can create a copy of client 000. You can also copy clients within the same R/3
system or from other systems
A client is copied in two steps. The first step defines the client in the R/3 system and the second
step fills the client with the data. And only after that the client becomes functional.
When you define a client a role is assigned to it. This role expresses the purposes of the client.
The possible attributes are : Production, Testing, Customizing, Demonstration, Training /
Education and SAP Reference.
Among the basic attributes of a client are the change options of its data and objects
Using the change options attribute the correction and transport system can be stopped in the
clients (No Transport Allowed). This option deactivates the CTS in the client.
For clients in which customizing is performed all changes must be recorded in case they are
transported into other systems (Automatic Recording of Changes). Otherwise Customizing
Organizer will not be activated automatically when a setting is made (Changes Without
Automatic Recording). Such a configuration is suitable for demonstration or training clients.
Now let us see the process of creating a client.
The first step in creating a client is to define it and make it available in the R/3 system.
To create a client follow the path Tools Business Engineer Customizing Basic Functions
Set Up Clients
Tools Administration Administration Client Administration Client Maintenance
Alternatively you can also use Transaction code SCC4.
What you will get is the overview of the clients available in the system.
Click on the change icon to change the display mode.
For example we have created a client 900 which is a copy of client 800.
Click on the New Entries button on the application toolbar to define the client
Figure 1.1
Figure 1.2
You will get the screen as above. (since the entire client definition screen could fit into one screen
shot, two screen shots are used).
The numbers in the screen mean as follows :
1. Enter a three-digit client number and a meaningful description for the client.
2. Location of the project
3. Description of the role of the client in the system. You can choose from Production, Testing,
Customizing, Demonstration, Training / Education and SAP Reference attributes
4. Specify the Change Options of data and objects. There are several change options for a client.
Using the No Transports Allowed attribute in this section, even the use of CTS can be stopped
in the clients. This attribute deactivates the correction and transport system.
For clients in which Customizing is performed all changes must be recorded in case they are
transported into other systems later, set the attribute to Automatic Recording Of Changes.
Otherwise the CO will not activated automatically when the setting is made.
Changes Without Automatic Recording is suitable for demonstration and training clients.
5. We can also limit the scope of the permitted changes. These levels define the application
6. You can also set the protection attribute for a client. The aim of this attribute is to prevent the
client from being overwritten intentionally or unintentionally by copying additional client-
dependent data from another client. This attribute is very critical in a production system.
There three levels of protection : Protection level 0 No limit, Protection level 1 No
overwrite, Protection level 2 No overwrite, no external availability
A client with protection level 1 and 2 cannot function as target clients.
7. You can further restrict the access to the client by checking the check boxes here.
Starting CATT Process allowed : CATT stands for Computer Aided Test Tool. When CATTs
are used, they generate test data that may be useful for demonstration purposes later.
Protect Against SAP upgrade : If a client is protected against an SAP upgrade, client-
dependent data in that client cannot be modified. You should use this option if standard
settings data delivered by SAP have been used in customer-specific Customizing without
separate copy being made.
After specifying the attribute click on the Save icon and then click the Back icon or F3 to come
out of the client definition screen. You should see the client amongst the list of the clients.
Once a client is defined an entry is made in the table T000 describing the attributes of the new
When a client is defined, no data is available in the client. By default user SAP* with password
PASS is assigned to it. You need this user to log on to the client in order to copy data from other
clients into it.
Client Copy :
You do a client copy to fill data into the new client. A client can be filled with data in various
ways :
1. You can do a Local Copy where you copy the data into the new client from a client within
the same system
2. You can do a Remote Copy where you copy the data into the new client from a remote system
3. Data can also be filled into the new client from another system by way of transport request
(Client Transport)
To do a client copy into the new client, first login into the new client as SAP* with password
Follow the path Tools Administration Administration Client Admin. Client Copy
Local Copy / Remote Copy
Alternatively, you can also use the transaction code SCCL
1. These are data profiles that R/3 provides for copying clients. These basically indicate
what kind of data from the source you want to copy into the new client. The scope of the
profile can be seen from the path Profile Display Profile.
2. Specify the source client.
3. Specify source client user masters
4. Use the Test Run option to first test run the execution of the entire procedure. The results
of the test run include an estimate of the data volume to be moved. This helps in
resolving any problems, like for example, problems due to insufficient disk space before
the actual copy run
After specifying the above settings, click on the Execute button or the Execute in Background
Depending on the volume of data to copied and the system configuration, this process may take
several hours.
You can also view the copy procedure log. Goto Tools Administration Administration
Client Admin . Copy Logs
Alternatively you can also use transaction code SCC3
After the client copy is over, a log of the copy process is displayed.
A client can only be copied from one R/3 system to another R/3 system if both the R/3 systems are
of the same release.
Remote Client Copy :
To do a remote client copy, RFC connection must be established between the target system and
the source system. Goto Tools Administration Administration Client Admin . Client
Copy Remote Copy
Alternatively you can also use transaction code SCC9
Before the actual copy, test the RFC connection using the RFC system check button on the
application toolbar. In addition to testing the connection, the R/3 system releases are also checked
Click the Execute button to start the process of copying.
Purpose Transaction Code Menu Path
Local client copy SCCL Administration System administration
Administration Client admin. Client copy
Local copy
Remote client copy SCC9 Administration System administration
Administration Client admin. Client copy
Remote copy
Copying a transport
SCC1 Administration System administration
Administration Client admin. Special functions
Copy transport request
Client export SCC8 Administration System administration
Administration Client admin. Client transport
Client export
Client import
SCC7 Administration System administration
Administration Client admin. Client transport
Client import postprocessing
Deleting a client SCC5 Administration System administration
Administration Client admin. Special functions
Delete client
Copying logs SCC3 Administration System administration
Administration Client admin. Copy logs
Client maintenance SCC4 Administration System administration
Administration Client admin. Client
Copying Clients
within an SAP R/3
Copying Clients
between 2 Systems

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