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Date: January 8, 2014

To: Mrs. Montgomery
From: Cacey Simons, Student at Centre High School
Subject: Senior Project Progress

The senior project experience has been quite challenging so far. Working on the
research paper has been a different task but I am pleased with my progress. By the
April deadline I am confident the project will be a success. The product I will be
producing this semester for my Senior Project is going to be lollipops. The steps I
need to take in order to finish my product conducting a meeting the current science
teacher at Centre High School, Mr. Duerkson and discussing how we will start
creating such a product. This includes all of the scientific information that I have
found as well as his basic knowledge of science for the product, using his expertise
to help with the process. I also have to complete ten of the fifteen community
service hours for this project. This will take careful coordination with my schedule
of sports and other extra curricular activities. However, in order to complete this
product on time, I have set deadlines including the following:

February 10 (Monday) Progress presentation (3-5 minutes)
March 3 March 13 (Mon-Thurs) Product Previews Product Previews

March 3 to May 2 Committee Evaluation Interview (Behavioral Based

March 26 (Wednesday) Report on 15 (total) hours of community service

March 28 (Friday) Reflection Paper #2

April 3 (Thursday) Invitations for public presentations (rubric)

April 24-25 (Thurs-Friday) Public presentations

May 10 Digital Portfolio :Proposal, Progress letter, Work logs,
Annotated bibliography, Final research paper (paper,
outline, works cited), Invitation to public presentation,
Reflection Papers 1 & 2, Committee Evaluations,
Community Service Report, Updated resume
February 10 (Monday) Progress presentation (3-5 minutes)

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