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Tasha Montella HLAC 1096-53 3-may-14

Name Course Date

HLAC - Lifelong Wellness Application Paper
Write a paragraph on each o the ollo!in"#
1$ What %i% you learn a&out 'lielon" !ellness( rom ta)in" this a*ti+ity *lass,
- learne% that it %oes matter ho! an% !hat you %o to ta)e *are o your &o%y ri"ht
no!$ What you are %oin" ri"ht no! *an ha+e an ee*t your &o%y in the uture$ - you*ise an% *ontinue to*ise an% stay healthy you *an re%u*e your ris) o heart
%isease in the uture$ Not only that &ut i you %o ha+e a heart atta*) an% ha+e &een
stayin" /hysi*ally a*ti+e this !ill not only re%u*e your ris) o %yin" &ut it !ill also
re%u*e *ar%ia* in0ury %urin" the heart atta*)$ This inormation !as +ery im/ortant to
me &e*ause heart %isease runs in my amily$ -t is ni*e to )no! there is somethin" -
*an %o a&out it or mysel$
1$ Ho! !oul% you a//ly this inormation to your lie,
As - ha+e mentione% heart %isease runs in my amily so - *an a//ly this inormation
to my lie to lo!er my ris)s o heart %isease &y stayin" a*ti+e an% healthy$ - ha+e
oun% that &y ma)in" "oals - !as a&le to stay on tra*) a lot &etter than my /re+ious
attem/ts$ - /lan to *ontinue to ma)e "oals or mysel to a*hie+e !hat - !ant out o
lie$ Not only !ill stayin" /hysi*ally a*ti+e hel/ to re%u*e my ris) o heart %isease it
also hel/s !ith re%u*in" the ris) o %ia&etes2 easier a"in"2 in*rease% lon"e+ity2
im/ro+es /sy*holo"i*al !ell-&ein" as !ell as in*reasin" &one mass$ This last one
mentione% is also +ery im/ortant to me &e*ause - am a !oman an% am more
sus*e/ti&le to ha+in" osteo/orosis in the uture$ 3eein" as ho! - am 13 years ol% &y*isin" - *an in*rease my &one mass2 %ensity2 an% stren"th to hel/ me out more
in the uture$
3$ What is your intention to *ontinue to*ise in your lie an% !hy,
My intentions are +ery stron" to *ontinue to*isin"$ As - ha+e mentione% this !ill
hel/ me i"ht a"ainst heart %isease that runs in my amily as !ell as hel/ me *om&at
uture osteo/orosis$ - lo+e &ein"2 as !ell as loo)in" it an% healthy$ -t is so ni*e to it
in my *lothes a"ain an% not hatin" to )ill mysel tryin" to /ut my 0eans on$ - lo+e not
seein" my lo+e han%les han" o+er my 0eans as !ell$ - lo+e eelin" "oo% an% loo)in"
"oo% a"ain$ - lo+e &ein" a&le to it into all my 0eans !here as 0ust a e! months a"o -
!as only a&le to !ear t!o o them &e*ause they !ere the only t!o - *oul% s4uee5e
4$ 6eneral i%eas or im/ro+in" this *ourse,
7ne thin" - really li)e% a&out this *ourse !as the oo% tra*)er assi"nment$ - lo+e%
this assi"nment an% !ish - !oul% ha+e )no!n a&out it earlier$ May&e ha+e the
stu%ents tra*) their eatin" ha&its at the &e"innin" o the *lass as !ell as at the en%
an% see i they ha+e im/ro+e%$ - !ill *ontinue to use this !e&site an% /lan on
im/ro+in" my ruit inta)e an% less so%ium$ -t !oul% ha+e &een *ool to see this
im/ro+ement in this *lass also$ That is all - *an thin) o to im/ro+e this *lass2 other
than that - really en0oye% this *lass$

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