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Jonesboro High School Lesson Plans 2010-2011

Teacher: Steve Warner Course: Band Symphonic Winds Date: 1-14-14

Grade: 10-12 Class Periods: 7
Unit: Symphonic Winds Lesson Toic:
1. Warm-up Procedure reviewed
2. ountin! Procedure reviewed
". Si!htreadin! Procedure reviewed
!b"ecti#es Correlations
The student should be able to: $!C SL$ %
1. Sustain oncert # with appropriate Start and $e%ease techni&ue
S'.1. ()(((.2
2. Sustain oncert #: *otted ha%+ non-touchin! tones with appropriate start,re%ease
". (ntroduce ountin! )ethod
4. (ntroduce Si!htreadin! )ethod
/. 2.()(((.4
0. (ntroduce 'unin! Procedure
-. Si!htread 1rade 0 2iterature
&cti#ities'(ethods' Strategies )esource (aterials &ssess*ent
13 Essential Musicianship pa!e 2 41-151-26 pa!e " 42"-1
'e7t8oo9 hec9 homewor9
23 Addition System for Teaching & Learning Rhythm pa!e 1
omputer 2a8 'est,:ui;
"3 Sightreading Excellence Boo9 (( pa!e 1
Wor98oo9,<andouts Pro=ect
43 'unin!
)u%timedia )ateria%s
03 Si!htread Chorale & Shaker Dance
7 Sheet )usic %asswor9
7 *r. Beat,2oudspea9er $eview
<ands-on )ateria%s Presentation
$e+erence )ateria%s 7 >ra% $esponses
>ther Supp%ies
'eacher >8servation
1uest %inician 7 Peer >8servation
1. 2esson to on%ine recordin! to capture sty%e o+ Chorale
&nnounce*ents 13 /nrichment
1. 2esson Schedu%e
2. ?udition #ee due 8y 'hurs
23 /7tension
"3 $emediation
Ho*e+or.'&ssign*ents: $e!ion %inic ?udition Prep 43 Specia% Pro!rams

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