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Aloha Parents and Guardians,

As most of you know, I am currently working alongside Ms. Yoshioka as her

student teacher for this semester. As part of my degree and State Approved Teacher
Education Program (SATEP) requirements, I am expected to develop a professional
teaching portfolio by the end of this school year. This portfolio is necessary to provide
evidence of my ability to meet state and university teaching standards. The reason for
this letter is so that I may ask for your permission to take and use photos that your child
may be in for my portfolio. Providing photos along with my evidence will enhance the
validity of my professional portfolio.
I can assure you that all students will remain anonymous and all pictures,
documentation, and student work will only be used for educational purposes associated
with the teacher education program and Chaminade University of Honolulu. By signing
and returning the bottom portion of this letter, you will be giving me permission to
possibly include your child in my portfolio. If you have any questions, please do not
hesitate to contact me at Thank you very much
for your understanding and cooperation!

Sean Parmley

_____ I grant permission for my child to be included in Mr. Parmleys professional
teaching portfolio.

_____ I do not want my child to be photographed.

Students Name: __________________________

Parent/Guardians Name (Printed): __________________________

Parent/Guardians Signature: __________________________

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