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Integrating Technology in a Math Classroom

Jordan Byrley. Carly Pettit. Isaac Steffes.

To give students a better idea of how to have technology in a math classroom and some
resources they can use in the future.
Materials Needed:
Laptop, PowerPoint, Geometers Sketchpad and Fathom examples.
1. Begin with the five process standards and five content standards
2. Then talk about the three implications for selection of the technology
3. Discuss the six different strategies technology can help students better understand
a. Bridging the gap between abstract and concrete with virtual manipulatives
b. Allowing representation of mathematical principles
c. Supporting mathematical problems solving
d. Implementing data-driven curricula
e. Supporting math related communications
f. Motivating skill building and practice
4. Show examples of Geometers Sketchpad and Fathom
5. Have students log on the virtual manipulatives and explore the site.
a. If student are not finding what they would like to there are some other
sites they can look into.

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