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DP 2 Biology Theme Unit

E-book Project
Ms. Ashley Hungerford

This May you will be taking your IB Biology and Language A examinations. The Biology exam
consists of three papers; each paper addresses all of the topics covered in 11
and 12
Paper three requires real-life application of the material learned in IB Biology. In order to practice
making real-life connections, you will be examining The Year of the Flood by Margaret Atwood.
This required reading piece for Language A has many elements of science fiction, which you will
use to create your own e-book.

Time: 2 block periods (1.5 hours each) to create the book, approx. 1 week to complete the background
research necessary to complete the e-book
IB biology has 10 topics, several of the units apply to the book The Year of the Flood. I have
included a link to the full set of assessment statements below, when choosing the elements that
you wish to address, please ensure that you are considering the appropriate assessment
statements for that topic.

Step 1:
Create a Google Doc.
Students will use the Google Doc to store background research
Students will use the Google Doc to write a rough draft of the book
Students will share the Google Doc with the teacher as a rough draft prior to creating the e-
Step 2:
Choose 2 Biology topics from The Year of the Flood that you wish to address
Students can choose their own topics
Teachers can assign topics based on the areas students most need to work on
Teachers can provide a randomizer for topics
Step 3:
Students must research background information on the author
Students must research the real science behind the book using at least two credible sources
for each of the two Biology topics.
Students must find at least one article, historical or current event, that addresses each topic
Students must find evidence from the novel to reference Biology topics
Students must address the appropriate Biology assessment statements for each topic
DP 2 Biology Theme Unit
E-book Project
Ms. Ashley Hungerford

Step 4:
Create your e-book on bookrix (I have provided a sample on this webpage)
The book should be a minimum of 10 pages
The book should include copyright free images or images with permissions
The book should be divided into chapters that are clearly titled and address each of the
areas of research required
Each topic should easily found and properly cited from the novel and scientific resources
When addressing the assessment statements student should list the assessment statement
number (ex. 3.3).

Step 5:
Read and critique your own/classmates
Students will read 3 e-books written by their classmates and write a brief critique of the book
directly on the bookrix site.
Students will use the rubric provided to complete a self-assessment of their own work.

Subject Matter Resources
IB Bio Ninja
Khan academy
Bozeman Science
Crash Course Biology
Interactive Biology

The Year of the Flood Resources

DP 2 Biology Theme Unit
E-book Project
Ms. Ashley Hungerford

Bookrix Resources
What is bookrix?
How to create a book.

This project will be graded according to the guidelines set out in the rubric below. Dont forget to
fill this rubric out for your self-assessment as well!

E-Book Assignment Rubric
Created an E-book with at least 10 pages
including copyright free images
Addressed 3 topics in Biology from the book 30
Cited the book and at least 2 outside resources 20
Included the appropriate assessment statements
throughout the book
The book is well-designed and easy to read, with
clearly defined titles

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