Online App Paper-Lifelong Wellness Paper

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Biridiana Robles HLAC 1096-14 3-May-14

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HLAC - Lifelong Wellness Application Paper
rite a paragraph on each o! t"e !ollo#in$%
1& "at did you learn about 'li!elon$ #ellness( !rom ta)in$ t"is a*ti+ity *lass,
-"e t"in$s t"at . learned !rom li!elon$ #ellness #"ile ta)in$ t"is *lass #as t"at !itness
s"ould be t"rou$"out your li!e time& . also learned t"at li!elon$ #ellness is about
!eelin$ $ood #it" your entire sel!/ 0"ysi*ally/ mentally/ and s0iritually& .t is about
!eelin$ #"ole #it" yoursel!& .t is also about stress mana$ement/ eatin$ ri$"t/ and also
"a+in$ some 0"ysi*al e1er*ise in your li!e&
2& Ho# #ould you a00ly t"is in!ormation to your li!e,
-"e #ay -"at all o! t"is in!ormation *an be a00lied to my li!e is t"at .t *an "el0 me be
more *on*ious about my a*ti+ities& 3or e1am0le i! . am not eatin$ ri$"t t"en . *an
loo) ba*) and ma)e better de*isions about #"at $oes into my body& 4atin$ less
sodium is somet"in$ t"at . !eel . need to im0oro+e on& Also ma)in$ better de*isions
about in*o0oratin$ more 0"ysi*al a*ti+ity& . learned t"at e+en 5ust 30 minutes a day
*an im0ro+e t"e #ell bein$&
3& "at is your intention to *ontinue to e1er*ise in your li!e and #"y,
. #ill im0ro+e on addin$ my e1er*ise to my li!estyle& . "ad a "abit #"ere . #ill start
e1er*isin$ and it #ill $o on !or about a mont" and t"en .! . $et too busy and . lea+e it
!or e+en a day/ . #ill sto0 $oin$& . do not )ee0 t"e rt"ym o! e1er*ise $oin$/ and t"at is
#"y . #ould li)e to really try "ard to *ontinue e1er*ise& 4+en i! . am only able to do a
!e# minutes maybe . *an s0lit t"e time u0/ but lea+in$ at least 30 minutes e+eryday
to $o !or a 6ui*) #al) i! t"at is t"e only t"in$ . *an do&
4& 7eneral ideas !or im0ro+in$ t"is *ourse,
. t"in) t"at t"is *ourse #as o+erall really $reat and . "ad a $reat time ta)in$ it&
8omet"in$ t"at . t"in) *an be im0ro+ed on is t"e due dates& -"ere #ere only 2 due
dates and . !eel t"at i! -"ere #as a 3rd due date i! mi$"t "a+e "el0ed me be more on
to0 o! my "ome#or) and *au$"t u0 #it" t"e t"in$s t"at needed to be !inis"ed&

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