Contoh Soal Completing Form

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Name : Gemilang Pratama

NIM/Class : 112120150/6D

Language Testing

My name is Elena and I am a 27 years old Romanian national. I have been living and
working in the UK for almost 2 years, as a live-in. I have also previous experience in
childcare, with children aged 1-7, including autistic children, and housework.
I could describe myself as being a very responsible person, mature, honest and
friendly, highly organised, hands on work and trustworthy.I'm confident taking care of
children, but moreover I love being around them and part of their joy, observing their
I have a good command of English and I can commit for long term, but I take in
consideration temporary jobs as well. I have First Aid Course, DBS check, teacher
qualification Level 1,checkable references from UK and other certificates. I could provide
you with all necessary documents via e-mail, on request.
I'm available for interviews, anytime, Monday 21th April and Tuesday 22th April and
I need to find a position, preferable as Nanny/Housekeeper, very soon.
If you need someone with whom to entrust your children, I might be the right
candidate, so please don't hesitate in contacting me here or on my mobile at 07935637025,
for any inquires you might have.


Completing Form

a. Name : ..
b. Age : ..
c. Nationality : ..
d. Resident : ..
e. Characteristics : ..
f. Experiences : ..
g. Qualifications : ..
h. Free day : ..
i. Position Applied for : ......................................
j. Phone Number : ......................................
Answer :
a. Elena
b. 27 years old
c. Romanian
d. United Kingdom
e. Responsible person, mature, honest and friendly, highly organised, hands on
work and trustworthy
f. Childcare, with children aged 1-7, including autistic children, and housework
g. First Aid Course, DBS check, teacher qualification Level 1,checkable
references from UK and other certificates
h. Anytime
i. Nanny/Housekeeper
j. 07935637025

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