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Changes to the Environment

Thematic Unit Topic: ______Butterflies________

Classroom Area: _____Art___

List the Items You Plan to Introduce and How Much They Will Cost (a minimum of 6):
The items should be safe, child-directed, encourage the use of multiple intelligences and provide
opportunities for sensory learning).
The items should be reasonably priced, able to be made by the teacher or easily obtainable.
Try to use objects that are already in the classroom in creative, new ways.
Think about what items you might obtain through donations from family, local business, etc.

1. Pictures of different moths. These can be printed online for free.
2. Pictures of different butterflies. These also can be printed for free.
3. Magnifying glasses. These will already be in class.
4. Modeling clay. This will already be in class but can be purchased for $5.
5. Paper mache. To cast different moths and butterflies, this can be made from recycled news paper and
paper mache by the teacher.
6. Pipe cleaners. These will be already in class due to another activity for science.
7. Egg cartons and toilet paper rolls. These are inexpensive and can be readily donated by families or the
8. Toilet paper butterfly and Egg carton caterpillar. These will be premade by the teacher to give the
children a chance to examine, model and have a concrete understanding of what they are making.
9. Different cuts of multi colored cloth. These can be added to the childrens creations so their butterfly
models wings.
10. 2-3 caterpillars. These insects will be added to the art table to provide children a live model to
examine and inspire them to recreate it using various forms of media.
When will you introduce these items? (At the beginning of the thematic unit, throughout the unit
during a small group lesson plan, circle time)

The pictures of different moths and butterflies will be added to flashcards that will be placed in the
different areas of the art center. I will then add the caterpillars to the center so the children can have a
live model to recreate and inspire them to create works of art based on the caterpillars. The magnifying
glasses will be added at the beginning of the thematic unit and will be a part of a small group activity.
The wire curtains will be added to the center during the small group activity I am a Butterfly not a
Moth. The paper mache, the different cuts of cloth, toilet paper rolls, modeling clay, will also be added
as part of the same small group activity. The models will be premade at the beginning of the thematic
unit in order for the children to examine and hold so they can have a point of reference for those children
who prefer to see before doing. The wire hangers and paper mache will also be created before the
thematic unit to prevent the children from harming themselves since the materials need adult supervision
due to heat, sharp objects, and possible injury may occur.

Are there any special rules that the children need to follow when using these items?

The children should not put the paper mache in their mouths
The children should not paint other childrens projects unless asked.
The children should treat others work with respect.
The children should not put the clay in their mouths.

What do you hopethe children to learn?

I hope the children learn about different artistic aspects like color theory, lines, shapes, and emphasis in
their art projects. I hope that children also learn that you can use multiple colors, intensities, and hues to
create a wide variety of beautiful colors. I also hope that children learn about critical thinking and
problem solving skills by trying multiple different approaches to the task at hand. I also hope that the
children learn about prosocial behaviors, such as talking about their work, asking others their
perspectives on projects as well as creating discussions about different theories related to the topic at
hand. I also hope that the children also learn about self expression and come to associate art as a means
of self expression.

What are some ways that the children can reflect on what they have learned?

The children will have a chance to reflect what they have learned when they engage in discussions with other
students about the different aspects of butterflies and moths. Children will also be able to reflect upon the
differences that they learned through their art projects on how moths and butterflies differ in terms of color,
shapes, and sizes. Children will also be able to discuss about specific terminologies that are associated with
what they learned in their art activity. Children will also learn about key concepts related to differences between
themselves and others, which they will learn to associate with the lesson that just because something seems
similar it doesnt necessarily make it the same thing. The children will also continue to refine their critical
thinking and problem solving skills in other projects that are related to the theme whenever they try to
accomplish a task such as answering a question in the science center or comparing different models in the math
center. Children will also be able to reflect upon their knowledge by visiting the field trip and talking with
experts whom can reinforce their knowledge and provide them with new perspectives to consider on what they
have already experimented with. Children will learn how to represent real concepts and objects through their art
and will be able to reflect upon what differences exist between the fictional representation of butterflies and the
non fictional interpretations of butterflies.

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