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New Perungalathur, Chennai-600063

Prepared By: M.Athimoolam, Assistant Professor, GKMCET

Unit-I (Introduction)
Part-A (Two marks)

1. Define production planning and control.
2. List the objectives of PPC.
3. What are the phases of production planning and control?
4. List various functions of PPC.
5. What is batch production system?
6. List the types of production system
7. What are the objectives of product analysis?
8. List the various factors that influence the product design.
9. What is meant by standardization?
10. What is meant by simplification?
11. What are the phases of PPC?
12. Differentiate between routing and scheduling?
13. Differentiate between intermittent and continuous production system.
14. What do you understand by breakeven analysis?
15. Distinguish between dispatching and expediting.

Part-B (16 marks)

1. What do you understand by production planning and control? Discuss its main elements. (16)
2. Enumerates the activities involved in the production planning and control function under the
Convenient points. (16)
3. Explain different types of production systems. Differentiate between them. (16)
4. Explain the functional and operational aspects of product design. (16)
5. Explain in detail the production aspects of product design. (16)
6. Write brief note on the following) Standardization ii) Simplification iii) Specialization iv)
7. What are the project considerations for a firm? Explain with reference to PPC.

Unit II (Work study)

Part-A (Two marks)

1. What is meant by work study?
2. List the objectives of work study?
3. Define method study?
4. List the objectives of method study.
5. What is a Process chart?
6. List the types of process chart.
7. What is flow diagram?
8. What is meant by work measurement?
9. List the techniques of work measurement.
10. What is meant by work sampling?
13. List the various method study diagrams.
14. Draw the various symbols used in Process chart.
15.What are multiple activity charts?
16.Differenciate between micromotion and memomotion study.
17.When do you use micomotion study?
New Perungalathur, Chennai-600063
Prepared By: M.Athimoolam, Assistant Professor, GKMCET
18.List the various techniques used for work measurement.
19.What is meant by performance rating?
20.Define the terms normal time and standard time.

Part-B (16 marks)

1. Explain briefly the various steps involved in conducting the work study. (16)
2. State and explain in brief the steps involved in conducting the method study procedure. (16)
3. Briefly explain the various techniques of work measurement. (16)
4. Define time study. List down the various steps in conducting a stopwatch time study. (16)
5. Explain the following terms
a) Work sampling (6)
b) Synthetic data (6)
c) PMTS (4)
6. What are the different Recording Techniques? Discuss with neat sketches.

Unit-III (Product planning and process planning)

Part-A (Two marks)
1. What are steps involved in a product planning process?
2. Define value analysis.
3. List the types of economic value.
4. Define Process planning.
5. What are the different steps or specific activities involved in process planning?
6. Write the general approaches to process planning.
7. What is machine loading?
8. What is balancing?
9. What are the factors affecting process planning?
10. What are steps involved in the value analysis?
11. What are the 3Ss with respect to product development techniques?
12.State the objectives of standardization.
13. What is BEP? Write its significance.
14. What are the advantages of specialization?

Part-B (16 marks)
1. What is value analysis? Describe the basic steps involved in the value analysis. (16)
2. Explain the importance of process planning with reference to production control. Discuss the
activities in process planning (16)
3. Compare and contrast the manual process planning with CAPP. (16)
4. What is meant by machine loading? Also enumerate the various methods to the cycle time to a
minimum. (16)
5. What do you mean by machine balancing? Also explain the effect of balancing on number of
machines required with an illustration. (16)
6. Write short notes on analysis of process capacities in a multiproduct system (16)
7. i)Derive an expression to determine the Economic Batch size(EBQ) in Batch production Industries.
ii) A product is sold at a rate of 400 pieces a day and is manufactured at the rate of 2000 pieces a day.
The setup costs of the machines are Rs.5000 and the storage costs are found to be Rs.0.015 per unit per
day. Labour charges are Rs.120, materials Rs.80,and overheads Rs.160 per piece. If the interest charges
New Perungalathur, Chennai-600063
Prepared By: M.Athimoolam, Assistant Professor, GKMCET
are 13%, find the minimum cost batch size and the costs of the production run..Assume 300 working
days in a year.

Unit-IV (Production scheduling)
Part-A (Two marks)
1. What is Scheduling?
2. List out types of scheduling techniques.
3. Define master scheduling.
4. What are basic scheduling problems?
5. Define Line of balance.
6. Write out various charts used in LOB.
7. Define Material requirements planning.
8. Define dispatching.
9. Define Expediting.
10. Define Priority sequencing.
11.List the key functions of the production scheduling and control.
12.What are the prerequisites or data required for scheduling?
13.What is master scheduling?
14.What are Gantt charts?
15.What do you mean by priority scheduling?
16.Differentiate between aggregate planning and master scheduling.
17.List any eight priority rules for Job sequencing.
18.What are the uses of Line of Balance in PPC?
19.List the various inputs required for MRP.
20.What are the functions of expediting?

Part-B (16 marks)
1. Explain the procedure by which scheduling 2 jobs in m machines can be done with suitable
example (16)
2. Write short notes on:
a) Aggregate run-out method of batch scheduling. (8)
b) Line of balance method (8)
3. Discuss the concepts, inputs, characteristics, working, outputs, and benefits of MRP. (16)
4. What are the functions of dispatching? Explain the various documents raised (16)
5. What is progressing? Explain its function? Also write short notes on recording progresses. (16)
6. Explain the importance of process planning with reference to production control. Discuss the
activities in process planning (16)
7. Write short notes on the following.
i) Machine loading ii) Priority rules for scheduling iii) Expediting iv) Dispatching
8. Collins heating company has four central heating installations to design within an 8-week period(40 hours
per week).They also have four capable designer, each of whom has been asked to estimate how long it would
take to do each job. The work operations scheduler has compiled the estimates shown in table.
(i) Use assignment linear programming method to determine how the jobs should be assigned so as to
minimise the work time.
(ii)Assuming the estimates are correct, can the jobs be completed within the 8-week period without planning
for overtime? (16)
Designers Hours to complete the job
1 2 3 4
A 100 140 280 70
B 130 160 200 60
New Perungalathur, Chennai-600063
Prepared By: M.Athimoolam, Assistant Professor, GKMCET
C 80 130 300 90
D 150 110 250 50

9. Go through the problems solved in the class.

Unit V (Inventory control and recent trends in PPC)

Part-A (Two marks)
1. Define Inventory control.
2. What are the types of inventory?
3. What are the main costs associated with inventory?
4. What are the types of inventory system?
5. What is meant by selective inventory control?
6. What is JIT?
7. List out any six selective inventory control techniques.
8. What is ERP?
9. What is MRP II?
10. Differentiate between pull system and push system.
11. Listout seven wastes that becomes target of elimination in a JIT process.
12. What do you mean by kanban production system?
13. Mention any four ERP packages used in India.
14. What are the functions of MRP-II?
15. What are the objectives of JIT?
16. Differentiate between P-system and Q-system.
17. What is EOQ?
18. List any four objectives of Inventory control.
19. What are the different types of Inventories?
20. What are shortage or stockout cost?

Part-B (16 marks)
1. What do you understand by inventory control? Explain the purpose of maintaining inventory in
any production Unit. (16)
2. What is EOQ? Derive the expression for EOQ when the demand of the item is uniform, the
production rate is Infinite and no stock-outs are allowed. (16)
3. a) Explain the terms: lead time, stock out, buffer stock, inventory carrying cost. (8)
b) Distinguish between in-process inventory, safety stock inventory and seasonal inventory (8)
4. Describe the fixed period quantity inventory model? Also compare and contrast P-system with
Q-system (16)
5. What is selective control of inventory and explain various selective control techniques. (16)
6. What is ABC analysis? Explain its significance in the inventory control with suitable example.
7.. The local distributor for a national tyre company expects to sell approximately 9600 steel belted radial
tyres of a certain size and tread design next year. Annual carrying cost is Rs.160 per tyre, and ordering
cost is Rs.750.The distributor operates 288 days a year.
(i) What is the Economic ordering Quantity (EOQ)?
(ii) How many times per year the store reorder?
(iii) What is the length of an ordering cycle?
(iv) What is the total annual cost if the EOQ quantity is ordered? (16)
New Perungalathur, Chennai-600063
Prepared By: M.Athimoolam, Assistant Professor, GKMCET
8. The manager of an automobile repair shop hopes to achieve a better allocation of inventory control
efforts by adopting an A-B-C approach to inventory control. Given the monthly usages in the following
table, classify the items in A,B and C categories according to rupee usage. (16)
Item 4021 9402 4066 6500 9280 4050 6850 3010 4400
Usuage 50 300 40 150 10 80 2000 400 7000
14000 120 7000 200 10200 1400 150 200 50

9. Explain with block diagram, the basic elements of JIT manufacturing system.(16)
10. Explain the steps in implementation of an ERP system.
11. Write brief note on the following. i) MRP-II ii) computerized PPC

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