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Solution of algebraic and transcendental equations: Bisection, Newton-Raphson, Deflated-

Newton method for nearly equal and multiple roots. Bairstows method for comple! rots, "raffes
root squaring method.
#inear and Non-linear simultaneous equations: $i%oting and $artial-pi%oting. "auss and "auss-
&ordan elimination methods. 'holes(y or 'routs method. Solution of non-linear simultaneous
equations by Newton-Raphson method.)rdinary Differential *quations: *uler and modify *uler
method, Runga-(utta fourth order method, 'orrector-$redictor methods. $artial differential
equations, elliptic, parabolic + hyperbolic equations.,inite difference: -nterpolation, ,orward +
Bac(ward interpolation formula, 'entral interpolation formula, #angranges di%ided difference
formula, .ermite and cubic spline interpolation methods. $artial Differential *quation of second
and higher order partial differential equations. /ethod of separation of %ariables as used in
differential equations arising out of .eat ,lows + %ibration of strings.
Suggested Text Books and Refeen!es:
0. Numerical methods in engg. + sc. by B.S. "rewal
1. Numerical methods for engg + sc. by -yengar + /.2. &ain
3. 4d%anced /athematics for *ngineers by 'handri(a $rasad
4nalysis of stress and strain, stress-strain relationships,. $rincipal stresses and their
determination, $lane stress and plain strains, Differential equations of equilibrium,
'ompatibility equations, Boundary conditions. 4iry5s stress function. Solution of problems in
cartesian coordinates by polynomials. "eneral equations in polar coordinates and their
solutions. 4!isymmetric problems. stress and strain in three dimensions Stress -n%ariants
$lasticity: -ntroduction to plasticity, assumptions, concept of plastic hinge and plastic moment
capacity, collapse loads, determination for beams and portal frames.
Suggested Text Books and Refeen!es:
0. 6heory of elasticity by 6imoshen(o + "oodier
1. 6heory of elasticity by Sadhu Singh
3. Structural 4nalysis by # S Negi and R S &angid
7. Structural 4nalysis by $ Dayaratnam
SV-50( : THE#R$ #% VIBRATI#N
-mportance of 8ibration Study in engineering. *lements of a %ibrating system. ,ree %ibration of
single-degree of freedom linear systems. /ethods of %ibration analysis: *nergy method,
Newtons method + Rayleigh method. Differential equations of motion for first order and second
order linear systems. 6rans%erse %ibration of beams. Damped free %ibration, %iscous, coulomb
damping dry friction logarithmic Decrement.
,orced 8ibration of single degree of freedom linear systems. Response of first orders systems to
harmonic e!citation. ,requency response. Response of second order systems to harmonic
.armonic motion of the base, %ibration isolation, transmissibility, force transmission to
foundations. 8ibration measuring -nstruments eg. Scismic mass, %ibrometer, 4ccelerometer.
*nergy dissipation. ,orced %ibration with coulomb hystersis or structural + %iscous damping.
*quation of motion for a two degrees of freedom system. ,ree %ibration of undamped systems.
Natural modes. )rthogonality of modes. Natural co-ordinates. Response of a two degrees of
freedom system to initial and harmonic e!citation. Dynamic absorbers, lagranges equation,
influence coefficients, semidefinite system. 6orsional %ibration of one, two and three rotor system.
*qui%alent shafting. 6orsional %ibration of a geared system. 6orssional %ibration with harmonic
e!citation. 'ritical speed of a shaft ha%ing a single disc aand multiple disc with damping. Rotating
unbalance, whirling of rotating shafts.
Suggested Text Books and Refeen!es:
0. 6heory of 8ibration with 4pplication by 6homson.
1. /echanical %ibration by 8.$.Singh
3. /echanical %ibration 9 Schaum Series.
7. /echanical 8ibrations 9 ".S. "ro%er + Nigam
:. /echanical 8ibrations 9 &.S. Rao
Stress concentration and its determination, 'ontact + Residual stresses, Rotating rims, discs,
cylinders, ;ith and ;ithout 6emperature %ariations, Bending of cur%ed bars, Stresses and
deflection calculations, $ressure 8essels, <nsymmetrical bending, Beam 'olumns, Bending of
Beams of 8ariable cross sections. 6orsion of non-circular section bars.
Suggested Text Books and Refeen!es:
0. 4d%anced /echanics of materials By Boresi, &ohn ;iley + sons
1. 4d%anced /echanics of materials By 'oo(, $earson *ducation
3. /echanics of /aterials by *.-. .earn 8ol. --
7. Strength of /aterials 8ol. -- by 6imoshen(o
6ypes of strain gauges, resistance wire strain gauges, materials and cementing methods,
temperature compensation, circuits and measuring techniques, strain gauge rosettes, testing and
selection of gauges, mounting and installation of electrical resistance gauges
$hotoelasticity, polariscope and its elements, isoclinics and isochromatics, stress optic law,
compensation techniques, methods to e%aluate principal stresses, photoelastic materials, three-
dimensional photoelasticity, stress free=ing and slic(ing method.
Brittle coating methods and its application in e%aluation of stresses
Suggested Text Books and Refeen!es:
0. *!perimental Stress 4nalysis by Dally and Riley.
1. *!perimental Stress 4nalysis by &. Srinath.
3. *!perimental Stress 4nalysis by 4. /ubeen.
-mpulse measurement and basic components of instruments. "eneralising measuring system.
Schematic + Bloc( diagrams of measurements. 6ypes of instruments and their
characteristics. -nput Signals, Dynamic response of instruments to step, ramp, sinusoidal input
signals. *rrors and uncertainties, planning of e!periments and handling of data, statistical
analysis, analogies.6ransducer elements and their performance characteristics. #ow and .igh
pressure measurement de%ices.Flow measurement and applications velocity and pressure
probes. Variable area meter, Electromagnetic flow meter. Hotwire anemometer. Mass flow meter.
Temperature measurement devices and their applications. imetallic thermometer, !esistance
thermometer, thermistors, thermo couples, thermopiles, pyrometers. Vibration measuring
devices, "cismic mass, Vibrometer # accelerometer, $ondition monitoring and signature analysis
4mplifiers and their elements operational amplifiers, -nstrumentation amplifiers, /odulation and
Demodulation. )scillators, 'athode ray oscilloscope and recording de%ices, #issa>ous figures,
6rue base circuit in 'R).
4nalog computers, 4mplitude and tune scaling in analogy computer, 4nalog computer setup for
differential equation, Digital instruments, ,eed bac( control system.
Suggested Text Books and Refeen!es:
0. -nstrumentation by Buc( + Bec(with
1. -nstrumental measurement + 4nalysis by Na(ara + 'harding
3. -ndustrial -nstrumentation by *c(amaan
7. -nstrumentation by 2ir(- Rimba>
8arious approaches in ,*/, direct stiffness method, energy approach and galer(ins approach,
detailed method for stress and %ibration analysis problems, %arious elements, de%elopment of
element stiffness matries. 4pplications to bar, beam, truss, spring, shafts, plates and shells.
-soparmetric elements, plate bending and shell elements, 4!i-symmetric problem, %ibration
problem, software such as -D*4S, 4NS?S, Norton, used in ,*/, Nonlinear ,*4
Suggested Text Books and Refeen!es:
0. ,inite element method by ).'. @ienciwic=.
1. ,inite element method by '.S. 2rishnamurthy
3. ,inite element method by #ogon
7. ,inite element method by .eubner
SV-55): THE#R$ #% '&ATES - SHE&&S
6he Differential equation of bending of a thin plate,boundary conditions for simply supported,
fi!ed and free edges. Rectangular plates with different boundary conditions, Na%ier solution.
#e%ys solution, solution for different loading conditions such as <D#, hydrostatic, point load and
partially loaded plates.
6hin plates with built-in edgesStrain energy stored in plate, energy method for solution,
Numerical methods- ,inite difference method for stress analysis of plate. Bending of circular
plates,differential equation in polar coordinates and boundary conditions. Solution of
symmetrical loaded circular plates, 6riangular plates. -ntroduction to shell theory.
Suggested Text Books and Refeen!es:
0. 6heory of plates + shells by 6imoshen(o
SV-/01 : Me!0an1!s of Co23os1te Mate1a4s
'lassification and characteristics of composite materials, /echanical Beha%iour of composite
materials. #amina and #aminates. /anufacture of #aminated fiber 9 reinforced. 'omposite
/acromechanical beha%iour of lamina, stress strain relations for anisotropic, orthotropic and
isotropic materials. *ngineering constants. Stress strain relation for plane stress in orthotropic
materials. -n%ariant properties.
Strength of an orthotropic lamina, *!perimental determination of strength, Bia!ial strength
theories: /a!imum stress theory, /a!imum strain theory, 6sai-.ill theory and 6sai-;u
'lassical #amination theory. Special cases of laminate, stiffnesses, strength of #aminates.
Design of #aminates.
Bending buc(ling and %ibration of laminated plates. "o%erning equation. Deflection + buc(ling.
Suggested Text Books and Refeen!es:
0. /echanics of 'omposite /aterials by R./. &ones.
6ransient + self-e!cited %ibrations, Numerical methods for multidegree of freedom systems.
-nfluence coefficients Dun(erlays method, matri! iteration method.
)rthogonality of principal modes. 'omparison of beha%iour between linear + non-linear systems.
*igen %alue + eigen %ector.
.ol=er method for three and multi rotors and branched torsional systems. /y(elstad method,
Stodola /ethod, *ffect of shear deformation and rotary inertia.
8ibration of continuous, longitudinal trans%erse and torsional systems.
8ibrations of plates and shells. Static and dynamic balancing of Rotors. Balancing of thin discs.
,ield balancing of long rotors.
8ibration 4nalysis by ,*/.
Suggested Text Books and Refeen!es:
0. 8ibration $roblems in engineering by S.6imoshen(o + ?oung
1. *lements of 8ibration-4nalysis by #./eiro%itch.
3. /echanical 8ibration by ,.S. 6se, /orse + .in(le
7. 6heory of 8ibration by 6homson
.armonic *!citation, Response to support motion, ,orce transmitted to foundation. Response to
general dynamic loading. Duhamels integral and ,ourier series method. ,ast ,ourier transform.
Shear walls, Non linear structural response, *lastoplastic beha%iour, Response spectrum.
*arthqua(e and earthqua(e ground motion. *arthqua(e response of structures. Blast load on
/ultistory shear building, free %ibrations of shear building. ,orced and damped motion in shear
building. Beams, "rids, 6russes and plane frames, their dynamic analysis.
8ibrations in bridges.
Non linear response of multi degree freedom system. Systems with distributed properties.
-ntroduction to Random 8ibrations.
Suggested Text Books and Refeen!es:
0. 4d%. 6heory of Structures by N.'. Sinha + $.2. "ayan.
1. Structural Dynamics by /ario $a=.
3. Structural Dynamics by 6edesco, /cdougel and Ross.
SV - 51" TRIB#&#,$
-ntroduction: Bac(ground, .istorical de%elopment, striebec( cur%e, 6ribology o%er %iew friction
wear + lubrication, economic significance, $eter >ost committee report, impact of tribology on
maintenance, plant life, energy conser%ation, material conser%ation, safety + pollution.
,riction + wear: #aws of friction, sliding + rolling friction, dry + lubricated
friction, contribution to force of friction, concept of friction coefficient. ;ear, its significance, wear
regimes, adhesi%e, abrasi%e, corrosi%e, erosi%e + fatigue wear, effect of surface film, control of
#ubrication: #ubrication types, Shiebec( cur%e, boundary, lubrication, surface film formation +
failure, elasto hydrodynamic lubrication, hydrodynamic + hydrostatic lubrication. ,luid dynamics
in lubrication, Newtonian fluid, compressible +incompressible fluids, theory of hydrodynamic
#ubricants: function, types of lubricants, solid, liquid, semi solid + gaseous lubricants, mineral,
natural + synthetic lubricants, greases, aditi%es, special purpose lubricants, lubricant properties,
testing of lubricants.
6riboelements: Bearings types, &ournal bearing, babbitts, important steps in design, rolling
element bearing, selection, comparison of >ournal + rolling element bearings, "ears, gear
lubrication, gear failure, seals, elastomers, synthetic and natural, their beha%iour, seal failures.
Suggested Text Books and Refeen!es:
0. Basic lubrication theory by 4. 'emeron
1. -ntroduction to 6ribology of bearings by B.'. /a>umdar
3. /aintenance *ngineering .andboo( by *d. #indley R. .iggins
7. ,riction + ;ear of /aterials by Rabinowic=
:. 4S/ .andboo( on friction, wear + lubrication
'omputer aided design, hardware and software in '4D, solid modeling in '4D, computer
graphics, generation of lines, cur%es, surfaces, two and three dimensional transformations,
optimi=ation methods, -ntegration of '4D and '4/, robotics, computer integrated systems,
production management, N' programming, computer control, '4* systems and pro>ect
management, computer aided pro>ect planning
Suggested Text Books and Refeen!es:
0. '4DA'4/ by /i(ell $."roo%er + *.;. @immers, &r.
1. )ptimi=ation for *ngg. Design by 2alyanmoy Deb
#inear programming. )ptimality conditions, duality and sensiti%ity analysis. 6he decomposition
principle, comple!ity of simple! algorithm and polynomial algorithms, )ptimi=ation of the
problems of single and multi-%ariables. Detailed study of algorithms.
Non linear programming, theory and algorithms. 'on%e! sets, con%e! functions and
generali=ations. 6he ,rit= &ohn and 2arush 2uhn 6uc(er optimality conditions. 'onstrain
qualifications. 6he concept of an algorithm, unconstrained optimi=ation, penalty and barrier
functions. /ethod of feasible directions, linear complementary problems, quadratic, separable,
fractional and geometric programming.
Suggested Text Books and Refeen!es:
0. )ptimi=ation in Design by 2.Deb.
"eneral consideration for design of machine elements. 6ypes of loadings. 'riteria for failure.
Distinction between design approaches for static and fatigue loading and their influences on
design criteria. Designing against fatigue, creep and impact loading.
Stress concentration and stress concentration factors. Residual stresses and their determination.
6ypes of dri%es. 4nd their relati%e merits. Belt dri%es 9 design and performance. 'hain dri%e.
"ear dri%es. Strength of gear tooth surface. Beam strength. Strength, deflection and design of
Selection of bearings. "ear dri%e housing. ,luid power systems, pumps and accessories, circuit
design and applications. Step less dri%es, $.-.8. dri%es. $ower transmission in machine tools.
Stress intensification in presence of sharp notches and crac(s. Design of machine elements in
presence of crac(s.
Suggested Text Books and Refeen!es:
0. 4d%anced /achine Design by /ubeen
1. /echanical *ngineering Design by Shigley
Need for condition /onitoring, /achine Signatures, %arious techniques for signature analysis,
wear particle + oil debris analysis, Noise, 6emperature, 'orrosion, /onitoringB online + offline
condition /onitoring techniques, 4rtificial neural networ( in condition /onitoring.
8ibration Signature:
Rotating /achinery, /achine faults + frequency range of symptoms, locali=ed + distributed
faultsB -mpact *!ited Resonance, %ibration le%el classification, -S) standards, $ea( + R/S le%el,
'epstral 4nalysis, <se of phase, 'onstruct $ercentage Bandwidth Spectra *n%elope Detection,
6ime Domain 4%eraging, Rolling *le%ent Bearings, Rotor Dynamics, orbit 4nalysis static +
Dynamic Balancing, -nduction /otors, "ear Bo! %ibration, Reciprocating engines +
Suggested Text Books and Refeen!es:
0. 8ibration /onitoring + Dignosis by R.4. 'ollacot
1. .and boo( of noise 4ssessment 9 8an Nostrant $ubl.
3. .and boo( of 'ondition /onitoring 9 B.2.N. Rao.
7. .and boo( of Non Destructi%e 4pplication 9 B.&. Boeing C&aico $ressD
SV 5 5/" Roto D8na21!s and Ba4an!1ng
Dynamic of rotating machinery: 'ritical speeds of rotors, ,actors effecting the critical speeds
such as gyroscopic action internal damping unequal moments of inertia of shaft section,
bearing elasticity and oil film cushioning.
6orsional frequencies of multi-mass rotors. 8ibration of discs, blades and propeller which affect
the rotor motion.
Stability of rotors under %arious influences: stability of rotors on elastically mounted supports and
combined effect of bending and torsion.
Resonance %ibration of rotors with non-linear factors ta(en into account stability of rotors in
flow medium.
Sources of unbalance in rotors, balancing machines, machines, balancing criteria,
specification and tolerances. Balancing in two planes correction methods used in industries,
cradle balancing of rigid rotors, automatic balancing field balancing of rotors
Suggested Text Books and Refeen!es:
0. Rotor Dynamics by &.S. Rao.
Definition of non-linear systems and comparison between the beha%ior of linear and non-
linear systems. <ndamped and damped free and forced %ibrations
Self e!cited oscillations, singular points, analytical methods.
Stability concept, phase plane plots, limit cycle.
$robability density functions, characteristic functions. Stationary and non stationery
random process, ergodic random process. 4uto-correlation function. $ower spectral density
Suggested Text Books and Refeen!es:
0. Non-linear )scillations by N. /inors(y.
1. 4d%anced theory of %ibrations by &.S. Rao
3. Non linear %ibrations by Sto(er
7. Random 8ibration by &.D. Robson
:. 4pplication of Random 8ibrations by N' Nigam + S.Narayana
-ntroduction, concepts of neural networ( computations, threshold gates, computational
capabilities of neural networ(s, two and three layer feed forward networ(s, hidden layer neural
networ(, #earning rules, *rror correction rules, /athematical theory of neural learning, 4dapti%e
multilayer neural networ(s, *rror bac( propagation learning rules, 4pplication of neural networ(s
for simple engineering applications.
Refeen!e Text Books:
0. *lements of 4rtificial Neural Networ( 9 By 2ishan /ehrotra
1. ,undamentals of 4rtificial Neural Networ(s: By /ohamad .. .assoun
4nalysis of aerodynamic forces acting on the blades of gas turbines, a!ial and radial flow
compressors, stresses induced in the blades.
Sources of %ibration e!citation, rotating shell e!citation and random e!citations, mechanisms of
these e!citations. 'alculation of blade %ibration amplitudes and design remedies. 8ibration of
aircraft wings.
,atigue and creep problems associated with gas turbine blading, coupling of bending and
torsional %ibrations of blades due to pre-twist, non-coincidence of shear center and centroid of
aerofoils. 8ibration of low aspect ratio blades.
*ffect of rotor speed, disc elasticity, shrouding and looseness of root mounting on natural
frequencies of blades. Sources of damping.
Suggested Text Books and Refeen!es:
0. 8ibration problems in *ngineering by 6imoshen(o
1. 6urbo-machinery blade %ibrations by &.S.Rao
3. 4d%anced theory of %ibrations by &.S.Rao.
Beams on elastic supports, *nergy method, 4ppro!imate 'alculation. Buc(ling of bars under
a!ial loading.
-nelastic buc(ling of bars, -nelastic bending, -nelastic buc(ling of bars with end condition.
Buc(ling of rings + cur%ed bars. Bending of thin cur%ed bar with a circular a!is. *ffect of uniform
pressure on bending of a circular ring.
Buc(ling of thin plates. /ethods of calculation of critical loads. Buc(ling of simply supported
rectangular plates.
Buc(ling of shells, symmetrical buc(ling of a cylindrical shells.
Suggested Text Books and Refeen!es:
0. 6heory of *lastic stability by 6imoshen(o + "ere.
Stresses in rotating discs and blade, disc of uniform strength, temperature stresses, general
blade stress equation, blade design for strength. Determination of blade natural frequencies.
'oupling of torsional and bending %ibrations due to pre-twist and eccentricity of shear center.
*ffects of rotor speed, disc-coupling, shrouding, lacing wires and geometry on natural frequencies
of blades. Root fi!ing of blades to the disc.
4nalysis of aerodynamic forces acting on the blades of gas turbines. 8ibration of low aspect ratio
blades. 8ibration of aircraft wings.
4erodynamic analysis of wind turbines. #oad calculations in wind turbine design. Stress and
8ibration analysis of blades, hub and a!le and tower in wind turbine.
Suggested Text Books and Refeen!es:
0. /echanics of /aterials 8ol.-- by *.&..earn
1. 6heory of 8ibraations by 6homson
3. 4d%anced 6heory of 8ibrations by &.S.Rao
7. Blaade 8ibrations by &.S.Rao
:. ;ind *ngineering Design by *aglestone
-soparametric *lement: 'omputation of stiffness matri! for isoparametric elements, 'on%ergence
criteria, Numerical -ntegration, Euadratic and higher order elements, three dimensional
isoparametric elements.
4nalysis of plate bending: Stress and 8ibration analysis of plates under bending made of isotropic
and composite materials, %arious plate bending elements, shear deformation in plates.
4nalysis of shells: Shell elements, 'omputation of stiffness matri! for shell element, stress and
%ibration analysis.
Boundary elements, -nterface and -nfinite elements, Sub-structure techniques,, )ptimi=ation
,*4 software, pre-processing, post-processing and analysis in %arious software. Detailed study
of atleast one software.
Suggested Text Books and Refeen!es:
0. ,inite element method by ).'. @ienciwic=.
1. ,inite element method by '.S. 2rishnamurthy
3. ,inite element method by #ogon
7. ,inite element method by .eubner
4erodynamics: Rotor aerodynamics modeling. 6wo dimensional airfoil theory. "lauert momentum
%orte! theory. *!perimental %erification. ;ind models and rotor si=ing. Rotor design.
$erformance, *conomics and siting.
Structural Dynamics: System engineering model, blade equation, blade motions and blade and
hub loads. 6ower loading. -nstabilities. #oad specifications. Static, transient and alternating loads.
System *ngineering: ,atigue, *lectrical generators and control systems.
Suggested Text Books and Refeen!es:
0. ;ind 6urbine *ngineering Design by *gglestone and Stoddard.
6erminology related to theory of shells. 'onstruction of shells of single and double cur%ature,
shells of translation or rotation. *quation of bending of shells, equilibrium and compatibility
equations. Stress, strain and displacement equations. Solution of cylindrical shells. Software
for shells. 8ibration analysis of shells.
Design aspects of shells
Suggested Text Books and Refeen!es:
0. 6heory of plates and shells by S.6imoshen(o.
1. 4d%anced theory of %ibrations by &.S.Rao
SV-5)1 &AB#RAT#R$ I
<ses of pic(-ups, oscillator and amplifiers for measurement of %ibration and acceleration.
Recording instruments. Studies in damping beha%iour. /echanical models.
SV-5;1: &AB#RAT#R$ II
<se of strain gauges for determination of stress and forces. #oad cells, strain indicators,
'R), )scillograph and recorders for dynamic strain measurements. $hotoelasticity-
determination of isoclinics and isochromatics and photography. /aterial calibration. Reflection
polariscope. Brittle coating and /oire5s fringes studies. ND6 methods.

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