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Rich literature, there arent two groups, the problem is layed down, young men-

struggling to find their place in the struggle.

I have always considered myself a dedicated sympathiser to the
Palestinian cause, I have always had my doubts as to how to
categorise in my mind those Palestinians referred to as "Arab
Israelis" and those who accept to work 'inside'. With this book I
have learned of my total ignorance on the subject of occupation,
and Ms. Khalifeh has taught me a valuable lesson: it is
impossible to draw this conflict in black and white. The shades of
grey in this novel render the reality from within all the more
tragic. Never before have i empathised so with this most
unbelievable of injustices, one of the heaviest burdens to be
placed squarely on the conscience of all nations and most of their
citizens. I am sure that anyone who reads this book will be
robbed of his or her ability to view the current developments with
cold indifference.

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