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Quantum-Mechanical properties of

electromagnetic radiation
-Refraction, reflection, reinforcement , diffraction & interference are examples of wave properties.
-However, the wave nature of electromagnetic fails to explain many phenomena like photoelectric effect.
-Emission or absorption of EM radiation is followed by a permanent transfer of energy from emitting object to
the absorbing medium.
-To describe these phenomena:

Electromagnetic radiation is not treated only as a collection of waves but rather as a stream of discrete
particles called photons or quanta as well.
-Each particle(photon) has a definite amount of energy associated with it.
-The energy of photon depends only upon its frequency:
E = h -----(i)
-Where E is the energy(in ergs) of one photon.
-is the frequency of the monochromatic light radiation.
-h is Plancks constant.(6.625X10
-Energy of radiation is proportional to frequency().
-If the equation is re-written, then it becomes
E= hc/
-So that, energy is inversely proportional to wavelength of the radiation.
Hence, E
ir light

The Photoelectric Effect
The electrons ejected out of the metal under the action of light are known as photo-electrons
this effect is known as photoelectric effect.
-Discovery of the phenomenon of photoelectric effect was supportive to prove the particle model of radiation in
the late nineteenth century.

-First observed in 1887 (Heinrich Hertz).
-Theoretically explained by Einstein in 1905.
-Proved by systematic studies(Millikan in 1916).

-The surface of photocathode is coated with an alkali metal or its compound or other suitable metals.
-Photons from a monochromatic radiation allowed to fall on the cathode surface.
-Photoelectrons are ejected( ) & are attracted towards anode.
(When the anode is positive with respect to the cathode)

-When the voltage of the anode is made slightly negative with respect to the cathode, electrons are repelled by
the anode.
-Consequently, the photocurrent decreases, but not zero.
-Some of the electrons with sufficient kinetic energy still generate current.
-Upon making the potential of anode further negative by decreasing the voltage, at a point
photocurrent becomes zero.(fig.b)
-The negative voltage(V
) of zero current is called stopping voltage.
-Multiplication of this voltage by the charge on the electron e= 1.60x10
coulombs, gives the kinetic energy of
most energetic emitted electrons.

Repetition of the experiment gives following observations:
1)The magnitude of photocurrent proportional to intensity of the incident radiation
(At cons. light frequency, anode at low ve Potential.) Fig.(b)

2)Magnitude of the stopping voltage depends upon frequency of radiation. Fig.(b)

3)The stopping voltage is independent of the intensity of the incident radiation. Fig.(b)

4)The stopping voltage depends on the chemical composition of the photocathode.

-These observations suggest that electromagnetic radiation is a form of energy.( as
it ejects & drives photoelectrons)

-According to the fig.(c), Max. kinetic or stopping energy
. is plotted vs frequency of photocathode surfaces.

The following equation describes the plot (c)
= h- , (- is work function).
(or, eV
= h- ) (Plotted as equation of the straight line)

-Slope h(planks const.) for all the metals.
- is intercept , different for different metals.

Rearranging the equation:

E = h= KE

-Energy of the incoming photon is equal the kinetic energy of the ejected electron plus the energy required to eject the
photoelectron from the surface being irradiated.

-Photoelectric effect is explained by quantum model(Not by wave model).
-Radiation is a stream of discrete bundles of energy or photons(h).
(According to wave model energy delivered to cathode depends on intensity of illumination, which is not true)
-According wave model, striking radiation over surface is uniformly distributed & in case of the faint illumination,
surface takes longer period of time to receive energy equal to the work function(ie,time elapse between illumination
& ejection of electron).

-If so, no electron could accumulate the enough energy to establish the nearly instantaneous currents as in Expt.

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