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"Lest any doubt that we are glad that they were born Today"

By Emily Dickinson
Lest any doubt that we are glad that they were born Today [1]
Whose having lived is held by us in noble Holiday [2]
Without the date, like Consciousness or Immortality -- [3]
Poem 1156 [F1191]
"Lest any doubt that we are glad that they were born Today"
Analysis by David Preest
These lines were sent with flowers to Sue on her fortieth birthday (L356), so that Sue should have no doubts about Emily being glad that
it was her birthday. Indeed Emily always regards Sue's whole life as a 'holy-day' of some nobility, which does not need a particular date
within it to be marked, any more than 'Consciousness' does or 'Immortality.'
Sue was born on 19 December 1830, only nine days after Emily herself.

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