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There are more than 500 active volcanos in the world. More than half of the volcanoes
are part of the Ring of Fire region that encircles the Pacific Ocean. More than 80 percent
of the globes srface is volcanic in origin.
The sea floor and some montains were formed b! contless volcanic erptions. "aseos
emissions from volcano formed the globe#s environment.

What is a volcano?
$hat is a volcano%
& volcano is a geological
landform sall! generated b!
the erption throgh a planet#s
srface of magma' molten roc(
welling p from the planet#s
interior. Other forms of volcano
inclde ice volcanoes
)particlarl! on some moons of
*piter' +atrn and ,eptne-
and md volcanoes.
If you live near a volcano

.ave an evacation
plan. /now what rote
!o will ta(e if !o
mst evacate and
have a bac( p rote.
0f there is ash in the
air' sta! indoors nless
there is a danger of
the roof collapsing.
1lose doors' windows
and all ventilation in
the hose. 1over !or
nose and moth to
avoid breathing ash.
0t is good to have a
pair of goggles and a
throwawa! breathing
mas( for each member
of your household.
2e aware of fl!ing
roc(s and mdflows.
Mdflows can move
faster than !o can
wal( or rn.
How do volcanoes form?
3eep inside the 4arth between the molten iron core and the thin crst
at the srface' there is a mantle. The mantle is a large la!er of roc(
that is a largel! solid. $hen' for varios
wea( spots in the crst' releasing heat' gasses and roc( in a volcanic
How does the solid rock melt?
45tremel! high temperatre and pressre can case the lower mantle
to melt and become li6id roc( or magma. $hen a bod! of magma
rises throgh the denser roc( la!ers toward the 4arth7s srface' some
of it remains li6id. Magma that has reached the srface is called lava.

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