Bab 4 - Kerogen

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4 - Kerogen
Kerogen is normally defined as that portion of the organic matter present in sedimentary
rocks that is insoluble in ordinary organic solvents. The soluble portion, called bitumen, will be
discussed in a following chapter. Lack of solubility is a direct result of the large size of kerogen
molecules, which have molecular weights of several thousand or more. Each kerogen molecule is
unique, because it has patchwork structures formed by the random combination of many small
molecular fragments. The chemical and physical characteristics of a kerogen are strongly
influenced by the type of biogenic molecules from which the kerogen is formed and by diagenetic
transformafions of those organic molecules.
Kerogen composition is also affected by thermal maturation processes catagenesis and
metagenesis! that alter the original kerogen. "ubsurface heating causes chemical reactions that
break off small fragments of the kerogen as oil or gas molecules. The residual kerogens also
undergo important changes, which are reflected in their chemical and physical properties.
Kerogen is of great interest to us because it is the source of most of the oil and some of
the gas that we e#ploit as fossil fuels. $iagenetic and catagenetic histories of a kerogen, as well as
the nature of the organic matter from which it was formed, strongly influence the ability of the
kerogen to generate oil and gas. % basic understanding of how kerogen is formed and
transformed in the subsurface is therefore important in understanding how and where
hydrocarbons are generated, whether these hydrocarbons are mainly oil or gas, and how much oil
or gas can be e#pected.
The term kerogen was originally coined to describe the organic matter in oil shales that
yielded oil upon retorting. Today it is used to describe the insoluble organic material in both coals
and oil shales, as well as dispersed organic matter in sedimentary rocks. The amount of organic
matter tied up in the form of kerogen in sediment is far greater than that in living organisms or in
economically e#ploitable accumulations of coal, oil, and natural gas.
&oals are a subcategory of kerogen. 'umic coals are best thought of as kerogens formed
mainly from landplant material without codeposition of much mineral matter. %lgal boghead!
coals are formed in environments where the source phytoplankton lack both calcareous and
siliceous skeletal components. (il shales, in contrast, have more mineral matter than algal coals,
with some of the inorganic matri# often being contributed by the algae themselves. &oals and oil
shales should therefore be viewed merely as sedimentary rocks containing special types of
kerogens in very high concentrations.
The process of kerogen formation actually begins during senescence of organisms, when
the chemical and biological destruction and transformation of organic tissues begin. Large
organic biopolymers of highly regular structure proteins and carbohydrates, for e#ample! are
partially or completely dismantled, and the individual component parts are either destroyed or
used to construct new geopolymers, large molecules that have no regular or biologically defined
structure. These geopolymers are the precursors for kerogen but are not yet true kerogens. The
smallest of these geopolymers are usually called fulvic acids) slightly larger ones, humic acids)
and still larger ones, humins. $uring the course of diagenesis in the water column, soils, and
sediments, the geopolymers become larger, more comple#, and less regular in structure. True
kerogens, having very high molecular weights, develop after tens or hundreds of meters of burial.
The detailed chemistry of kerogen formation need not concern us greatly. $iagenesis
results mainly in loss of water, carbon dio#ide, and ammonia from the original geopolymers. *f
anaerobic sulfate reduction is occurring in the sediments, and if the sediments are depleted in
heavy+metal ions which is often the case in nonclastic sediments but is seldom true in shales!,
large amounts of sulfur may become incorporated into the kerogen structure. The amount of
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sulfur contributed by the original organic matter itself is very small. &arboncarbon double bonds,
which are highly reactive, are converted into saturated or cyclic structures.
Kerogen formation competes with the destruction of organic matter by o#idative
processes. .ost organic o#idation in sedimentary environments is microbially mediated.
.icroorganisms prefer to attack small molecules that are biogenic, or at least look very much like
biogenic molecules. /eopolymers are more or less immune to bacterial degradation, because the
bacterial enzyme systems do not know how to attack them. *n an o#idizing environment many of
the small biogenic molecules will be attacked by bacteria before they can form geopolymers. *n a
low+o#ygen reducing! environment, in contrast, the subdued level of bacterial activity allows
more time for the formation of geopolymers and, therefore, better organic preservation.
Kerogens formed under reducing conditions will be composed of fragments of many
kinds of biogenic molecules. Those kerogens formed under o#idizing conditions, in contrast,
contain mainly the most resistant types of biogenic molecules that were ignored by
microorganisms during diagenesis.
0ecause each kerogen molecule is unique, it is somewhat fruitless to attempt a detailed
discussion of the chemical composition of kerogens. Even if such a description were possible, it
would not be of great and direct significance to e#ploration geologists. 1hat is within our reach,
and ultimately of much greater practical value, is developing a general method of describing
gross kerogen composition and relating it to hydrocarbon+generative capacity. (ne way that we
can begin is by classifying kerogens into a few general types.
%bout a decade ago workers at the 2rench 3etroleum *nstitute developed a useful scheme
for describing kerogens that is still the standard today. They identified three main types of
kerogen called Types *, **, and ***! and have studied the chemical characteristics and the nature
of the organisms from which all types of kerogens were derived. "ubsequent investigations have
identified Type *4 kerogen as well.
Type * kerogen is quite rare because it is derived principally from lacustrine algae. The
best+known e#ample is the /reen 5iver "hale, of middle Eocene age, from 1yoming, 6tah, and
&olorado. E#tensive interest in those oilshale deposits has led to many investigations of the /reen
5iver "hale kerogens and has given Type * kerogens much more publicity than their general
geological importance warrants. (ccurrences of Type * kerogens are limited to ano#ic lakes and
to a few unusual marine environments. Type * kerogens have high generative capacities for liquid
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Type ** kerogens arise from several very different sources, including marine algae, pollen
and spores, leaf wa#es, and fossil resin. They also include contributions from bacterial+cell lipids.
The various Type ** kerogens are grouped together, despite their very disparate origins, because
they all have great capacities to generate liquid hydrocarbons. .ost Type ** kerogens are found in
marine sediments deposited under reducing conditions.
Type *** kerogens are composed of terrestrial organic material that is lacking in fatty or
wa#y components. &ellulose and lignin are ma8or contributors. Type *** kerogens have much
lower hydrocarbon+generative capacities than do Type ** kerogens and, unless they have small
inclusions of Type ** material, are normally considered to generate mainly gas.
Type *4 kerogens contain mainly reworked organic debris and highly o#idized material
of various origins. They are generally considered to have essentially no hydrocarbon+source
potential. 'ydrogen contents of immature kerogens e#pressed as atomic '9& ratios! correlate
with kerogen type. *n the immature state, Type * algal! kerogens have the highest hydrogen
contents because they have few rings or aromatic structures. Type ** liptinitic! kerogens are also
high in hydrogen. Type *** humic! kerogens, in contrast, have lower hydrogen contents because
they contain e#tensive aromatic systems. Type *4 kerogens, which mainly contain polycyclic
aromatic systems, have the lowest hydrogen contents.
'eteroatom contents of kerogens also vary with kerogen type. Type *4 kerogens are
highly o#idized and therefore contain large amounts of o#ygen. Type *** kerogens have high
o#ygen contents because they are formed from lignin, cellulose, phenols, and carbohydrates.
Type * and Type ** kerogens, in contrast, contain far less o#ygen because they were formed from
o#ygen+poor lipid materials.
"ulfur and nitrogen contents of kerogens are also variable and, in some cases,
interrelated. :itrogen is derived mainly from proteinaceous material, which is destroyed rapidly
during diagenesis. .ost high+nitrogen kerogens were therefore deposited under ano#ic conditions
where diagenesis was severely limited. 0ecause lignins and carbohydrates contain little nitrogen,
most terrestrially influenced kerogens are low in nitrogen.
Kerogen sulfur, in contrast, is derived mainly from sulfate that was reduced by anaerobic
bacteria. 'igh+sulfur kerogens and coals! are almost always associated with marine deposition,
because fresh waters are usually low in sulfate. "ulfur is only incorporated into kerogens in large
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quantities where sulfate reduction is e#tensive and where 2e <= ions are absent organic+rich,
ano#ic, marine, nonclastic sediments!. .any high+sulfur kerogens are also high in nitrogen.
The division of kerogens into Types *+*4 on the basis of chemical and hydrocarbon+
generative characteristics has been supported by another independent scheme for classifying
kerogens using transmitted+light microscopy. Kerogen types are defined by the morphologies of
the kerogen particles. *n many cases the original cellular structure is still recognizable, proving
the origin of the particle. *n others the original fabric has disappeared completely, forcing us to
make assumptions about the source organisms. .icroscopic organic analysis has reached a fairly
high level of refinement and is often capable of assessing kerogen type with good accuracy.
The different types of kerogen particles are called macerals, a term taken trom coal
petrology. .acerals are essentially organic minerals) they are to kerogen what minerals are to a
rock. The kerogen in a given sedimentary rock includes many individual particles that are often
derived from a variety of sources. Thus few kerogens consist of a single maceral type.
.aceral names were developed by coal petrologists to describe, wherever possible, the
materials from which a maceral was derived. % list of the most common macerals and their
precursors is given in the table presented earlier in this chapter.
*t is possible to make a reasonably good correlation between kerogen type based on
chemical characteristics and kerogen type based on visual appearance. The correspondence is not
perfect, however, because there is not a perfect biological separation of the various types of living
organic matter. The biggest problem comes in identifying Type *** kerogen. 1hat appears to be
vitrinite Type *** kerogen! by visual analysis may have chemical characteristics intermediate
between Type ** and Type *** kerogens because of the presence of small amounts of resin or wa#.
4ery important changes, called maturation, occur when a kerogen is sub8ected to high
temperatures over long periods of time. Thermal decomposition reactions, called catagenesis and
metagenesis, break off small molecules and leave behind a more resistant kerogen residue. The
small molecules eventually become petroleum and natural gas.
0y convention the term catagenesis usually refers to the stages of kerogen decomposition
during which oil and wet gas are produced. .etagenesis, which occurs after catagenesis,
represents drygas generation. $espite its name, metagenesis is not equivalent to >metamorphism.>
.etagenesis begins long before true rock metamorphism, but it also continues through the
metamorphic stage. %lthough the terms catagenesis and oil generation are often used
synonymously, they are not precisely equivalent. &atagenesis and hydrocarbon generation occur
concurrently, but they really represent different aspects of the same process. &atagenesis refers to
transformations of kerogen molecules, whereas hydrocarbon generation focuses on the production
of hydrocarbon molecules. *n this te#t we shall use the terms somewhat interchangeably,
especially when we are discussing both aspects simultaneously. *n principle, however, they
represent fundamentally different perspectives.
This chapter will focus on those changes in the residual kerogen that accompany
catagenesis. The composition of the products bitumen, oil, and gas! will be discussed in a
following chapter. Kerogen maturation is not a reversible process+any more than baking a cake is
2urthermore, the chemical process of maturation never stops completely, even if drastic
decreases in temperature occur. &hemical reaction+rate theory requires that the rates of reactions
decrease as temperature decreases, but it also states that at any temperature above absolute zero
reactions will be occurring at some definable rate. 2or practical purposes, however, the rates of
catagenesis are generally not important at temperatures below about ?@A &. 2urthermore, in most
cases decreases of temperature in e#cess of about =@A+-@A & due to subsurface events or erosional
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removal will cause the rates of catagenesis to decrease so much that it becomes negligible for
practical purposes. *t is impossible to set precise and universal temperature limits for catagenesis,
because time also plays a role. (ld rocks will often generate hydrocarbons at significantly lower
temperatures than young rocks, simply because the longer time available compensates for lower
temperatures. This comple# interplay between the effects of time and temperature on maturity is
discussed in a later chapter.
Kerogen undergoes important and detectable changes during catagenesis and
metagenesis. "ome of these changes can be measured quantitatively, thus allowing us to 8udge the
e#tent to which kerogen maturation has proceeded. The real reason for following kerogen
catagenesis, of course, is to monitor hydrocarbon generation. %lthough it is obvious that many
measurable changes in kerogens are related to hydrocarbon generation, it is also true that other
changes in kerogen properties have little or nothing to do with it, and thus are not necessarily
valid indicators of hydrocarbon generation. 1e shall look now at the various techniques for
estimating the e#tent of hydrocarbon generation from kerogen properties and see how closely
each of them is related to hydrocarbon generation.
%s we saw earlier, the cracking of any organic molecule requires hydrogen. The more
hydrogen a kerogen contains, the more hydrocarbons it can yield during cracking. 0ecause many
of the light product molecules are rich in hydrogen, the residual kerogen gradually becomes more
aromatic and hydrogen poor as catagenesis proceeds. Thus the steady decrease in hydrogen
content of a kerogen usually measured as the atomic hydrogen9carbon ratio! during heating can
be used as an indicator of both kerogen catagenesis and hydrocarbon generation, provided that the
hydrogen content of the kerogen was known prior to the onset of catagenesis.
:itrogen and sulfur are also lost from kerogens during catagenesis. :itrogen loss occurs
primarily during late catagenesis or metagenesis, after hydrogen loss is well advanced. *n
contrast, much of the sulfur is lost in the earliest stages of catagenesis, as evidenced by low
maturity, high+sulfur oils found in a number of areas, including the .iocene .onterey 2ormation
of southern &alifornia. The most important implication of these chemical changes is that the
remaining hydrocarbongenerative capacity of a kerogen decreases during catagenesis and
metagenesis. %ll kerogens become increasingly aromatic and depleted in hydrogen and o#ygen
during thermal maturation. *n the late stages of maturity, Types *, **, and *** kerogens will
therefore be very similar chemically, possessing essentially no remaining hydrocarbon generative
Kerogen particles become darker during catagenesis and metagenesis, much as a cookie
browns during baking. There is a steady color progression yellow+goldenorange+light brown+dark
brownblack as a result of polymerization and aromatization reactions. These reactions are
intimately related to important changes in the chemical structure of kerogen, but they are not
necessarily identical with hydrocarbon generation. There is therefore no necessary cause+and+
effect relationship between kerogen darkening and hydrocarbon generation, and no guarantee that
a particular kerogen color always heralds the onset of oil generation.
%s kerogen matures and becomes more aromatic, its structure becomes more ordered,
because the flat aromatic sheets can stack neatly. These structural reorganizations bring about
changes in physical properties of kerogens. (ne property that is strongly affected, and which can
be used to gauge the e#tent of molecular reorganization, is the ability of kerogen particles to
reflect incident light coherently. The more random a kerogenCs structure, the more an incident
light beam will be scattered, and the less it will be reflected.
'alf a century ago coal petrologists discovered that the percentage of light reflected by
vitrinite particles could be correlated with coal rank measured by other methods.
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0ecause coal rank is merely a measure of coal maturity, and because vitrinite particles
also occur in kerogens, the technique, called vitrinite reflectance, has been widely and
successfully applied in assessing kerogen maturity.
&racking often produces free radicals, which are unpaired electrons not yet involved in
chemical honds. Kerogens, especially highly aromatic ones, contain large numbers of unpaired
electrons. The concentration of free radicals in a given kerogen has been found to increase with
increasing maturity. 2ree+radical concentrations can be measured by electron-spin resonance.
Kerogens often fluoresce when irradiated. The intensity and wavelength of the fluorescente are
functions of kerogen maturity.
"ome properties of kerogen change very little during catagenesis. 2or e#ample, carbon+
isotopic compositions of kerogens are affected little by maturation. E#cept for darkening, the
visual appearance of kerogen also does not change during catagenesisD kerogen types are
generally recognizable until the particles become black and opaque, somewhat beyond the oil+
generation window.
%s kerogen catagenesis occurs, small molecules are broken off the kerogen matri#. "ome
of these are hydrocarbons, while others are small heterocompounds. These small compounds are
much more mobile than the kerogen molecules and are the direct precursors of oil and gas. %
general name tor these molecules is bitumen.
0itumen generation occurs mainly during catagenesis) during metagenesis the chief
product is methane. *f neither e#pulsion from the source rock nor cracking of bitumen occurred,
there would be a large and continuous build+up of bitumen in the rock as a result of catagenetic
decomposition of kerogen. 1hat actually occurs, however, is that some of the bitumen is e#pelled
from the source rock or cracked to gas, resulting in lower bitumen contents in the source. 0oth
curves are highly idealized, however, because natural variations among samples cause much
scatter in e#perimental data.
*t has become apparent in recent years that not all kerogens generate hydrocarbons at the
same catagenetic levels, as measured by parameters such as vitrinite reflectance. /iven the
significant chemical differences among the various types of kerogens, this result is hardly
surprising. 5esinite and sulfur+rich kerogens are able to generate liquid hydrocarbons earlier than
other kerogens because of the particular chemical reactions occurring in those two materials.
5esinite consists of polymerized terpanes ten+carbon isoprenoids! that can decompose easily by
reversing the polymerization process. "ulfur+rich kerogens decompose easily because carbon+
sulfur hbonds are weaker than any bonds in sulfur+poor kerogens.
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Effective generation of hydrocarbons requires that the generated products be e#pelled
from the source+rock matri# and migrated to a trap. Timing and efficiency of e#pulsion depend
on a number of factors, including rock physics and organic+geochemical considerations. 1e shall
consider the latter briefly here.
.any workers now believe that microfracturing of source rocks is very important tor
hydrocarbon e#pulsion. .icrofracturing is related to overpressuring, which in turn is partly
attributed to hydrocarbon generation itself. 5ich rocks will become overpressured earlier than
lean ones and thus will also e#pel hydrocarbons earlier. *n very lean rocks e#pulsion may occur
so late that cracking of the generated bitumen is competitive with e#pulsion. *n such cases the
e#pelled products will be mainly gas.
Kerogen begins to form during early diagenesis, when large geopolymers are created
from biological molecules. The chemical composition and morphology of kerogen macerals
depend both on the type of original organic matter and on diagenetic transformations. :umerous
methods e#ist for tracing the history of a kerogen and determining its original chemical and
physical characteristics.
&atagenesis of kerogen produces a more aromatic, hydrogen+poor, residual kerogen as
well as small molecules that are the direct precursors for petroleum and natural gas. "everal
methods e#ist for estimating the e#tent to which hydrocarbon generation has occurred in a given
kerogen, but none of these measurements is closely linked to the actual process of hydrocarbon
generation. Thus, although we know that oil generation does occur during the phase we call
catagenesis, we cannot always define the limits of hydrocarbon generation with great confidence.
The chemical composition of a kerogen controls the timing of hydrocarbon generation and the
type of products obtained. Kerogens formed from lipid+rich organic material are likely to
generate liquid hydrocarbons, whereas those kerogens that contain few lipids will generate
mainly gas. Kerogens formed from resinite will generate condensates or light oils quite early.
'igh+sulfur kerogens generate heavy, high+sulfur oils at low levels of maturity. (ther kerogens
usually follow a more traditional model.
"ource rocks that generate large amounts of hydrocarbons early are likely to e#pel those
hydrocarbons early. &andidates for early e#pulsion would be very organic rich rocks and those
containing resinite or high+sulfur kerogens. &onversely, those rocks that generate few
hydrocarbons may not e#pel them until they have been cracked to gas.
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