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QUBEE FUP version. 23rd January 2013.

QUBEE Fair Usage Policy for SKY Packages

QUBEEs Fair Usage Policy (FUP) is designed to safeguard the greater interest of all the QUBEE internet users, thus
providing the best possible internet experience for everyone. The Fair Usage Policy is applicable for all SKY and SKY
PLUS package users.
Why Fair Usage Policy?
As in most cases, a small fraction of the total consumers use an excessive amount of the network resources, which
results in hampering the experience of others. Our Fair Usage Policy is here to provide the optimal internet
experience to all our customers.
QUBEE Fair Usage Policy
Under the QUBEE Fair Usage Policy, we tried to set up a limit for those excessive users, while keeping it very
generous so that most of our Sky and SKY PLUS Monthly Package users will not be affected by this.
Package Usage Level Action under fair usage policy Length of action
256 kbps SKY Usage over 25GB Speed throttle down to 128 Kbps Till the next billing period
512 Kbps SKY Usage over 30GB Speed throttle down to 128 Kbps Till the next billing period
1 Mbps SKY Usage over 35GB Speed throttle down to 128 Kbps Till the next billing period
2 Mbps SKY Usage over 40GB Speed throttle down to 128 Kbps Till the next billing period
512 Kbps SKY PLUS Usage over 45GB Speed throttle down to 128 Kbps Till the next billing period
1 Mbps SKY PLUS Usage over 50GB Speed throttle down to 128 Kbps Till the next billing period
2 Mbps SKY PLUS Usage over 55GB Speed throttle down to 128 Kbps Till the next billing period

If the usage limit crosses 25GB (for 256Kbps Sky), 30GB (for 512Kbps Sky), 35GB (for 1Mbps Sky), 40GB (for 2Mbps
Sky), 45GB (for 512 Sky Plus), 50GB (for 1Mbps Sky Plus) and 55GB (for 2Mbps Sky Plus) at any time of the month,
QUBEE may put the user under Fair Usage Policy. This will result in experiencing speed being throttled down to 128
Kbps for the rest of the month.
Note that your speed would be updated to the normal speed at the start of your next billing period if you
comply with the above policy.
If a subscriber regularly violates our FUP, QUBEE reserves the right to restrict further, deactivate or even terminate
the said connection. Termination will be initiated after notifying the subscriber through due course.
Subscribers are reminded that the download of illegal content which QUBEE discourages, which is an infringement
of copyright and/or intellectual property rights and rightful owners of such copyright and/or intellectual property
rights may take measures to prosecute. QUBEE reserves the right to inquire/investigate suspected or potential
abuse of its Fair Usage Policy. Each individual download can be traced by the subscribers IP address back to the
subscribers account with QUBEE.
This Fair Usage Policy is applicable to all existing and future plans offered by QUBEE unless specifically withdrawn at
the discretion of QUBEE. QUBEE reserves the right to change this policy in future at their discretion.

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