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Assignment 1

I. Reflect on your learning styles and Multiple Intelligence Inventories. What are your
strengths? What are your weaknesses? What are their implications in your classrooms? (250

My learning style is that of an activist and a pragmatist and my multiple intelligence inventories
score is high in Visual/ Spatial Intelligence and musical intelligence. So, my learning style
involves doing new things in class rather sticking to the same things. Even in a classroom I like
doing new things as it keeps the students interested and activity oriented. So, I involve the
students in activities which involves dramatization of the text, songs, illustrated charts and
other indoor activities. To solve any problem I have a tendency to think aloud and also
encourage the students to think aloud instead of bottling their emotions. To reflect on my
pragmatic learning style and its reflection on a classroom I would like to give one example.
Before I start any work it is important that I have well constructed plan. It has to be a step by
step procedure. Although I make some changes once I start as sticking to a plan while doing is
difficult. I emphasize on techniques.

I have scored less as a reflector and as a theorist. I have scored the lowest in
logical/mathematical Intelligence and Naturalist intelligence which involves numbers,
brainteaser games, problem solving, being outdoors, hiking etc. These are my weakness and I
need to improve on it. My weakness also include not closely observing others behavior, not
keeping a diary, taking time out for researching data, writing reports etc. Since being an activist,
I am more of an impulsive learner in comparison to reading and analyzing, understanding the
underlying assumptions. All these are the areas I should be working on as it useful not only for
the students but for my own personal development.

The implications of these learning styles and multiple intelligences in a classroom are that most
of the time it is good to involve the students in indoor activities as it helps in their personal
development and it also the class involved but there are times when an outdoor activity is
required and the involvement of the teacher is needed. So, a little improvement is required in
the areas consisting of weakness.

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