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Dear Parents:

In this unit, we will continue with our Literature Circles Program.

Literature Circles are small discussion groups comprised of students who
have chosen to read the same novel. The composition of these groups will
change each time we change novels.
The Literature Circle sessions will be held for 30 minutes every day.
During these sessions, the students will learn about reading strategies to
help with their comprehension and discuss the book they are reading with
their group. Students must have their reading book at school on these days
or they will not be able to participate with their group.
To prepare for every Literature Circle session, students are required to
read to the page set by their group. They must not read past the groups
set page because predicting what might happen next in the story is an
important part of the groups discussion and it can be ruined by anyone that
reads further into the book. Students should go on reading their own
personal book if they nish reading the set pages early. This is part of
their weekly reading homework.
To support this program, I ask you to encourage your child with their
reading so they can be ready for each session. This might involve some
discussion about the characters and plot so that they feel ready to discuss
the story with their group. Attached to this letter is a Literature Circle
Contract the students will be completing each day so you will be aware of
what is to be expected of them.
I will stress with your child the importance of taking care of their
novel and completing their reading. In the past, I have found that students
really enjoy this program. I really appreciate all of the support you have
given me. :)
Ms. Sirks
Js A. Ss
Literature Circle Contract
Name _______________________________ Title ___________________________
Author of Book ________________________ Number of Pages ________________
Date # Pages or Chapters Came
in Log
Took Part in
Completed Which
Contract Activity
You must complete ________ activities; ________ from each column below.

Column B
1. Keep a diary from a
characters point of view.
2. Make a story map of events
from the book.
3. Make a pop-up or big book of
the story.
4. Write a description of the
main character. Include a
5. Write a script for a section of
the story.
6. Create a board game to go
along with the book.
7. Write an ABC book for the
8. Create a pamphlet to
advertise the book.
Column A
1. Draw a Wanted Poster for a
character from the book.
2. Illustrate settings on a travel
brochure or postcard.
3. Make a diorama or mobile.
4. Make a bookmark.
5. Illustrate your favorite part of
the book.
6. Design a book jacket with
characters, setting, and theme
of the book.
7. Draw a commemorative stamp
showing a character, setting
or theme from the book.
8. Write and illustrate a
character riddle book.
Column C
1. Write a letter to the books
main character with ways to
solve the problem.
2. Act out a favorite scene.
3. Write and mail a letter to the
author of the book.
4. Write a poem about the book
or a character in it.
5. Write a book review and
present it to the class.
6. Pantomime a part from the
7. Make up a song or jump rope
rhyme about the story and
teach it to the class.
8. Interview a character from the

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