Selena Marie Macias Resume

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Selena Marie Macias
Objective Obtain a position where I can maximize my skills and experience for frther
growth within the company!s leadership and management.
" positi#e and moti#ated attitde
$nowledgeable in compter skills and programs
%aintaining positi#e en#ironment for cstomers and personals
&ast 'earner
&ood (er#ice %anagement:
)se ntritional knowledge and information.
*repare+ season and cook a #ariety of foods sing appropriate food and
preparation techni,es+ e,ipment+ tools and spplies.
)sing ntritional information in preparing and ser#ing food.
-hild -are .e#elopment
Education 0osemead 1igh (chool .iploma
2345 E. %ission .ri#e
0osemead+ -" 21663
"gst 7311 89ne 7315
/en:amin &ranklin 1igh (chool
;73 <orth "#ene 5=
'os "ngeles+ -" 233=7
*asadena -ity -ollege -rrently "ttending: &reshmen &ll8 >ime
1563 E. -olorado /l#d
*asadena+ -" 21134
Accomplishments/ Organizations :
0O* -ertificate of "chie#ement &ood (er#ice %anagement
0O* -ertificate of "chie#ement -hild -are Occpation class.

Extracuricular Activities: -heerleading 733487313
(oftball + /asketball

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