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11705 Stockdale Court Pineville, NC 28134

(412) 370 376 | C!ri"to#!er$P$Conner%outlook$co&
'niver"it( o) Nort! Carolina at C!arlotte, Colle*e o) Co&#utin* and +n)or&atic" ,a( 2016
-ac!elor o) Science in Co&#uter Science
.ocu" on +ntelli*ent S("te&", /P0 1-2
'niver"it( o) Pitt"3ur*!, Colle*e o) -u"ine"" 0d&ini"tration ,a( 2010
/raduatin* 0)ter 4nl( 1!ree 5ear" o) -e*innin* Colle*e
-ac!elor o) Science in -u"ine"" 0d&ini"tration
.inance ,a6or, -u"ine"" /P0 3$15
7 Serie" 63 'ni)or& Securitie" 0*ent State 8a9 :;a&ination, Pa""ed < =e*i"tered >anuar( 2013
7 Serie" 7 /eneral Securitie" =e#re"entative ?uali)ication :;a&ination, Pa""ed < =e*i"tered 2ece&3er 2012
7 @i"ual -a"ic )or 0##lication" a" u"ed )or 2eci"ion 0nal("i" and .inancial ,odelin* in :;cel and 0cce""
A @ 8ooku#", Pivot 1a3le", ,acro", '"erB2e)ined .unction", C!atB+) 0nal("i", Solver, ,odule", '"er .or&", Ce3 .or&",
?uerie", .ilter", Con"olidate, 2ata @alidation
TradeKing, Client Services C!arlotte, NC August 2012 March 2013
7 Dandled client"E inFuirie" re*ardin* "tate&ent", &ar*in call" and *eneral &arket &ec!anic"
7 :ducated client" a" to t!e advanta*e" and di"advanta*e" o) variou" order t(#e"
7 /ained e;#o"ure to t!e inner 9orkin*" o) t!e 3rokera*e, includin* t!e re"#on"i3ilitie" o) t!e clearin* )ir& and t!e tran")er a*ent
7 Studied )or and attained t!e Serie" 7 and Serie" 63 licen"e"
AmerisourceBergen, Ecel S!ecialist C!arlotte, NC "une 2012 August 2012
7 'tiliGed e;ten"ive kno9led*e o) :;cel to increa"e #roductivit( and reduce co"t" t!rou*! &ini&iGation o) &anual #roce""e"
7 :valuated #ro6ect" inde#endentl( "o a" to reduce "train on &ana*e&ent a" 9ell a" ti&e to co&#letion
Mar#et Anal$st, Client Services C!arlotte, NC March 2012 "une 2012
7 /uided t!e i&#le&entation o) tec!nical anal("i" "o)t9are )or 3ot! #rivate and in"titutional trader"
7 'nder"tood client"E "trate*ie" "o a" to !el# t!e& 9it! t!e a##lication o) tec!nical anal("i" "uc! a" 8inear =e*re""ion, @C0P, =S+
7 -eca&e )a&iliar 9it! ter&inolo*( "uc! a" "&oot!in*, nor&aliGin*, &ovin*, ada#tive, e;#onential and lo*arit!&ic
%ells &argo, 'oan (oc S!ecialist )or %holesale *ome Mortgage C!arlotte, NC Se!tem+er 2010 "anuar$ 2011
7 Per)or&ed initial revie9 to en"ure loan a##lication #acka*e 9a" co&#lete #rior to a##rovin* it )or under9ritin* revie9

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