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Process of Performance Management

1. PM process is a series of logical steps involved in performance management that make it
2. If you want to have a high degree of employee engagement then one way is to sequence the steps
in such a manner so as to elicit that behaviour from the employees.
3.PM process can be divided into PM planning process,mid-cycle review process and end cycle
review process.
4. A manager should define the goals for an employee and give it to him/her prior to the
performance dialogue.
5. PM dialogue enables in creating engagement.
6. Mid-cycle review usually has four distinct steps. False
7. Since business houses usually report performance every quarter mid-cycle review must be done
each quarter. False
8. An employee should be discouraged from asking for additional resources during mid-cycle review.
9. If an employee does not agree to the final PM review he should issues a rebuttal.
10. Self-assessment step by the employee usually precedes the discussion of the performance at the
end of the cycle.
11. In the end cycle review usually the manager /supervisor initiates the discussion.

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