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City of San Fernando

Mayor's Office
City Hall, Harris Promenade, San Fernando,
Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
Tel / Fax: (868) 652-9378 -

His Worship The Mayor, Alderman Haji Kazim Hosein

May, 2014


Sincere sympathies to the family of the late Miss Dana Seetahal SC
On behalf of the His Worship the Mayor, Alderman Kazim Hosein, Aldermen,
Councillors, The San Fernando City Corporation (SFCC) and the people of the City
of San Fernando, we wish to extend our sincere sympathies to the family of the
late Miss Dana Seetahal SC. Whilst every murder is tragic, the death of someone
who has served Trinidad and Tobago as Miss Seetahal has, is especially painful.
The SFCC recently obtained from Miss Seetahal, an insightful and
immensely helpful legal opinion as to how we could treat with dilapidated
structures, overgrown lots, and derelict vehicles, within the city. We have been
using this opinion to guide us in addressing these issues.
The national community will forever remember Miss Seetahal as one who always
put country above politics. Her voice was one of reason, fairness, and
fearlessness. Though short in stature, she stood tall amongst us with her
overwhelming integrity, and her strong desire to see that we, as a people, did that
which was right. For this integrity and strength, Trinidad and Tobago will always
be indebted to her.
Whilst we mourn Miss Seetahal's death, and clamour for justice for her, let us be
mindful that one of the best ways in which we can honour her memory, is to
continually strive to build a country in which she hoped for - a nation of honesty,
decency, principle, and goodness.

City of San Fernando
Mayor's Office
City Hall, Harris Promenade, San Fernando,
Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
Tel / Fax: (868) 652-9378 -

If we do not, then we would have failed not only Miss Seetahal, but ourselves, as
well. We look forward to those responsible for her death being brought to justice
May her Soul rest in peace!

Please Contact our office if you need more information
Contact Person: Jason Kissoon
Public Relations Officer
Contact Number: (868) 779-3755
EMAIL address:

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