Kimberly E. Price: Bachelor of Arts in Education May 2014

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Kimberly E.

Current Address: Permanent Address:
951 Frontage Rd. Unit #29 17826 Shady Arbor Ln.
Oxford !S "8655 S#ring $% 77"79
Education The University of Mississippi Uni0er.ity !S
Bachelor of Arts in Education !ay 211(
!a2or3 Se*ondary 4d/*ation
4-#ha.i.3 So*ia, St/die.
Student Teacher at afayette !i"h School Oxford !S
Under go0ern-ent e*ono-i*. and 5or,d hi.tory tea*her 6ene Ander.on
#or$ Child Care Provider 7o/.ton $exa.
E%perience S/--er 211"
8ro0ided *hi,d *are .er0i*e. for *hi,dren in a #ri0ate .etting
9hi,dren ./#er0i.ed in a #o.iti0e en0iron-ent
4n./red the .afety of the *hi,dren
Paradise Sprin"s &etirement !ome S#ring $exa.
Waitress 2111 S/--er $han).gi0ing :rea) and 9hri.t-a. :rea)
Ser0ed e,der. energeti*a,,y and effi*ient,y
Organi;ed and .et dining roo- tab,e.
8er.onab,e and *oo#erati0e 5ith the .taff
'orth"ate Country Club 7o/.ton $exa.
Receptionist A#ri, 2118 < S/--er 2111
9o-#o.ed do*/-ent. -en/. and ne5.,etter.
A..i.ted 5edding #,anner. thro/gh organi;ing and o#erating re*e#tion.
An.5ered and dire*ted #hone *a,,. in a .o#hi.ti*ated -anner
8hi !/ Fraternity A,#ha =e,ta *ha#ter
>o/th Leader and Area Offi*er at 9y#re.. 9ree) 9hri.tian 9h/r*h
9a#tain of a5ard 5inning 0ar.ity dan*e tea- at ?,ein 9o,,in. 7igh S*hoo,
Uni0er.ity of !i..i..i##i U,ti-ate Fri.bee 9,/b $ea-
(olunteer #or$
@ationa, 9harity Leag/e -e-ber
7abitat for 7/-anity
!ea,. on Ahee,.
Certification S/**e..f/,,y #a..ed the So*ia, St/die.3 9ontent ?no5,edge 8raxi.
S/**e..f/,,y #a..ed the 8L$3 6rade. 7'12 8raxi.
Kimberly E. Price
Current Address: Permanent Address:
951 Frontage Rd. Unit #29 17826 Shady Arbor Ln.
Oxford !S "8655 S#ring $% 77"79
)ene Anderson
*aye Massey
+r. &osemary ,liphant-.n"ham
Stacy Ache

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