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Flight control surfaces

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For the systems that operate flight control surfaces, see aircraft flight control system.
Flight control surfaces

Basic aircraft control surfaces and motion.

Aircraft flight control surfaces allow a pilot to adjust and control the aircraft's flight
Deelopment of an effectie set of flight controls was a critical adance in the
deelopment of aircraft. !arly efforts at fi"ed#wing aircraft design succeeded in
generating sufficient lift to get the aircraft off the ground, $ut once aloft, the aircraft
proed uncontrolla$le, often with disastrous results. %he deelopment of effectie flight
controls is what allowed sta$le flight.
%his article descri$es the control surfaces used on a fi"ed#wing aircraft of conentional
design. &ther fi"ed#wing aircraft configurations may use different control surfaces $ut
the $asic principles remain. %he controls 'stick and rudder( for rotary wing aircraft
'helicopter or autogyro( accomplish the same motions a$out the three a"es of rotation,
$ut manipulate the rotating flight controls 'main rotor disk and tail rotor disk( in a
completely different manner.

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