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Phillip Smith

English 1102

1. In this day and time there is a constant pressure to be in a better class system
than one may already be pertained in. In this there is almost a competition between
individuals because of social classes. These social classes are in some way either
predetermined, or based off of educational status, creativity, or hardworking ethical
practices. As each individual takes a step back and analyze their personal standing the
question, How do Americans associate themselves socially and economically in todays
current economic recession? becomes ever so forthcoming.
2. During this economic recession people struggle to determine their position in
society. With the constant struggle to find jobs and maintain a healthy lifestyle, many
citizens find themselves without the basic necessities. Through constant economic
fluctuations, many individuals continuously struggle to find ground to stand on. Many
individuals have seen themselves drop from upper, middle, and even to the lower class.
However, there are those who maintain their lifestyle, and continue to strive through the
recession without any struggles.
3. With a 7.6% job loss, there is still a struggle to find jobs. There is a lack of
social class definition. The question then becomes, Where does society see themselves
in todays economy? The angst to find a proper foothold in the two major groups :
Upper, and middle class has caused a social class warfare. Under Karl Marx he created
the system which is the bourgeoisie and proletariat. This has reflected on society, and you
constantly see a separation between groups of individuals.

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