Eng First Assignment

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Date: January 31, 2014

To: Jerry Kuriger, founder and president

From: Robert Kuriger
Sube!t: to start using "#" mi$$ing ma!%ines instead of a!u rite mi$$s
&tems for "#" mi$$ proposa$
' "ost of additiona$ ma!%ines
' Room for ne( emp$oyment
) "urrent (or*ing area is too sma$$
' )rodu!ti+ity gains
') ,mp$oyee mora$e do(n be!ause of !ramped (or*spa!e
' #eeds to see t%e fu$$ benefits of ne( ma!%ines
) -ore parts !an be made .ui!*er
' ,mp$oyees (i$$ %a+e better e.uipment
) "ou$d e+eryone $earn %o( to use t%is/
' &s !urrent (or*p$a!e effi!ient enoug%/
) Sa+es time and money
' -ore peop$e (ant to do business
) 0ess (or* but more design
) 1ou$d %a+e to update design system
' 1ou$d !ost a bun!% of money to get started
') 1ou$d %a+e to se$$ a!u rite mi$$s
) #eed for ne( e.uipment
' #e( peop$e may not *no( %o( to run t%e ma!%ine
' "ou$d !ut do(n into sma$$er area
') 2ne "#" mi$$ !an do as mu!% (or* as t(o a!u rite mi$$s
) 0ess parts (i$$ be messed up by t%e ma!%inist3
' #eeds to see t%e fu$$ benefits of ne( ma!%ines
) #eed for ne( e.uipment
' ,mp$oyees (i$$ %a+e better e.uipment
) "urrent (or*ing area is too sma$$
' "ou$d !ut do(n into sma$$er area
' -ore parts !an be made .ui!*er
' Room for ne( emp$oyment
' -ore peop$e (ant to do business
' &s !urrent (or*p$a!e effi!ient enoug%/
') 2ne "#" mi$$ !an do as mu!% (or* as t(o a!u rite mi$$s
' )rodu!ti+ity gains
') ,mp$oyee mora$e do(n be!ause of !ramped (or*spa!e
) Sa+es time and money
January 31, 2014
-r3 Jerry Kuriger
Suretoo$ Too$ 4 Die
435 1inston '+e
Dayton, 26 45375
Dear -r3 Kuriger
From my e8perien!e (or*ing as a too$ma*er at Suretoo$ & fee$ t%at it (ou$d great$y impro+e t%e
(or*p$a!e to %a+e "#" mi$$ing ma!%ines3 -any ot%er !ompanies are s(it!%ing from t%e o$d a!u rite
mi$$s to t%e "#" mi$$s and no( %a+e a %ig%er produ!tion t%an t%ey did before3
0i*e many ot%er !ompanies & be$ie+e t%at it is time for us to ad+an!e in t%e (or$d of too$ manufa!turing
and rep$a!e many of t%e o$d a!u rite mi$$s (it% t%e ne(er "#" mi$$s be!ause un$i*e t%e a!u rite mi$$s
t%e designer (i$$ be ab$e to ta*e a 3D "'D dra(ing off t%e !omputer and t%e mi$$ (i$$ do a$most a$$ of
t%e (or* to ma*e t%e part3 1it% t%e speed of t%ese mi$$s ust one of t%em (ou$d be ab$e to ta*e t%e
p$a!e of t(o a!u rite mi$$s3 'not%er impro+ement t%at t%ese (ou$d %a+e is t%at be!ause of t%e speed
t%at one !ou$d do you (ou$d be ab$e to ma*e more room in t%e s%op impro+ing t%e (or*ers mora$e
be!ause t%ey are $ess !rammed and !an mo+e more free$y t%oug%t t%e (or*p$a!e3 -any of t%e (or*ers
are +ery s*i$$ed at running t%e ma!%ines and (i$$ be ab$e to $earn t%e ne( te!%no$ogy +ery .ui!*$y and
be masters at (%at t%ey are doing3
1e (ou$d $i*e to t%an* you for ta*ing time out of your day to $oo* into t%e "#" mi$$s be!ause it (i$$
not on$y %e$p us but it (i$$ a$so %e$p your !ompany and profitabi$ity3
Robert Kuriger
Too$ ma*er
fina$ paper
T2: Jerry Kuriger, president and founder
FR2-: Robert Kuriger, too$ma*er
D'T,: January 31, 2014
S:;J,"T: <etting ne( "#" mi$$s
During my time at Suretoo$ & %a+e done e8tensi+e resear!% on (%at !ou$d ma*e t%is !ompany more
produ!ti+e and & %a+e found out t%e t%e best (ay to do so (ou$d be to !%ange out t%e o$d a!u rite mi$$
(it% ne(er, more ad+an!ed "#" mi$$s3 T%e produ!tion +a$ue on t%e a!u rite mi$$s are good and %e$p
earn t%is !ompany a substantia$ amount of money but if (e used t%e ne( "#" mi$$s t%is !ompany
(ou$d be ab$e to !reate e+en more re+enue3 T%e ne( "#" (i$$ ma*e t%e (or* more about t%e design
pro!ess t%an t%e manufa!turing ma*ing t%ere be $ess room for mista*es3 2ne "#" mi$$ (i$$ be ust as
produ!ti+e, if not more, t%an t(o a!u rite mi$$s3 =ou !ou$d possib$e !ut do(n t%e mi$$s to %a$f of (%at is
t%ere no( and sti$$ be ab$e to produ!e t%e same amount of parts3 1it% t%ere being %a$f as many mi$$s
t%ere (i$$ be more (or* spa!e and t%is !ou$d in!rease t%e mora$e of t%e too$ma*ers and ma*e t%e s%op
more organi>ed3
Additional personnel
&n addition to t%e ne( ma!%ines t%ere (ou$d be a need for more designers be!ause un$i*e t%e a!u rite
mi$$s t%e designer ma*es a 3D "'D design and sends it o+er to t%e !omputer on t%e mi$$3 T%ese ne(
designers (ou$d be ab$e to !ome from !o$$ege be!ause auto?!ad is no( a big part of an engineers
!ourse(or*3 T%ese ne( designers !ou$d $earn t%e best (ay to ma*e a "'D dra(ing from t%e !urrent
designers t%at are a$ready (or*ing be!ause e+en after !o$$ege t%ey (ou$d sti$$ %a+e a $arge amount to
$earn3 1it% more peop$e designing and %o( .ui!* t%e ma!%ines (i$$ be ab$e to manufa!ture t%e parts
t%e produ!ti+ity (i$$ be at an a$$ time %ig%3
Time estimates
T%ese ma!%ines (i$$ not be !%eap so (e (ou$d %a+e to au!tion off many of t%e a!u rite mi$$s to %e$p
pay for t%e "#" mi$$s3 T%is (ou$d not be a +ery .ui!* pro!ess and (e (ou$d %a+e to buy a sing$e "#"
mi$$ at a time and it !ou$d possib$y ta*e years to s(it!% e+ery mi$$ to a "#" but it (i$$ sure$y be (ort%
it in t%e end3

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