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Andriotis Physical Education 2014


Major Units Covered:
1. Fitness
2. Strength and Conditioning
3. Basketball
4. Flag Football
5. Speedball
6. Ultimate Frisbee
7. Golf
8. Soccer
9. Rugby
10. Cricket
11. Softball
12. Tennis

Grading System
Each day there is 20 points to be earned, the order goes as follows:
5 points for Dressing
5 points for warm up
10 points for participation

1. Quizzes
2. Tests
3. Target Heart Rate Range
4. Group Project
5. Fitness Journal

Grading Scale
100-94 = A
93-90 = A-
89-87 = B+
86-84 = B
83-80 = B-
79-77 = C+
76-74 = C
73-70 = C-
69-67 = D+
66-64 = D
63-60 = D-
59 < = F

Class Participation
Class participation accounts for 25% of your grade for the day. Grades will not be rounded up.

All homework is expected to be turned in on time. For each day it is late, 10% will be taken off
the final grade. Any assignment past 5 days late will not be accepted. You have one week to
make up a quiz or a test due to excused absence.

All make up work is the students responsibility. If you need to make any arrangements, please
come to me and we will handle that on a person to person basis. You have one week to make up
any work that is missed. Students can get notes from other students if they missed class.

Mr. Andriotis Physical Education 2014
Students will have a weekly journal worth 20 points a week. The journal will include a fitness
log of all the physical activity they got in for that week. It will also include reflection from each
day of class, what they did well, and what they could improve on.

The final for the class will be a 150 point cumulative test based on the different subjects and
units covered throughout the semester.

1. You are expected to be dressed every day and ready for activities
2. Dress includes athletic shorts, t-shirt, and athletic shoes.
3. Flip flops, clogs, slippers will are not acceptable shoes for class. Must be athletic shoes.
4. Bullying is not accepted
5. No food or drink is allowed in class, you can get water from the drinking fountain.
6. When the teacher is talking, students are quiet.
7. Insubordination is not accepted.
8. Students are expected to change clothes after class.
9. Any cheating will result in a 0 for the day and on the assignment.
10. Must stay on task during the course of the class.
11. These rules are subject to change at any point in the semester.

If any of these rules are violated:

First time: This will be a verbal warning
Second time: Detention will be issued
Third time: Referral to dean and call home

I reserve the right to skip any of these steps due to severity of offense.

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