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The Golden Sequence

A liturgical prayer
Veni Sancte Spiritus
Come, Holy Spirit;
send down from heavens height
your radiant light!
Come, lamp of every heart
come, parent of the poor;
all gifts are yours!
Comforter "eyond all comforting,
sweet une#pected guest,
sweetly refresh!
$est in hard la"our,
coolness in heavy heat,
hurt souls relief!
$efill the secret hearts
of your faithful,
% most "lessed light!
&ithout your holy power
'othing can "ear your light,
'othing is free from sin!
wash all that is filthy,
water all that is parched,
heal what is hurt within!
"end all that is rigid,
warm all that is fro(en hard,
lead "ac) the lost!
Give to your faithful ones,
who come in simple trust,
your sevenfold mystery!
Give virtue its reward,
give, in the end, salvation
and *oy that has no end!
St Gregory Great + ,-. A!/!
Cardinal Stephen 0angton, Arch"ishop of Canter"ury + 1123 A!/!

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