w1 Lesson Plan Classification of Animals

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Classification of Animals

Grade(s) 3

Subject(s) Science
Length of lesson Five 40 minute periods
This lesson explores the classification of animals. Children are
interested in animals and often have a favorite animal, some even
the child has never seen before. Children also like to order and
organie things, and this lesson combines both of these interests.
This lesson is specificall! designed to move "uickl! be!ond the
kno#ledge level to high$level thinking.
$ %no#s about the diversit! and unit! that characterie life.
$ 3$&.'(.). use digital tools to find, organie, anal!e,
s!nthesie, and evaluate information
Students #ill categorie the * groups of animals+ ,ammals,
fish, birds, reptiles, amphibians - invertebrates.
students become familiar #ith the need for categoriing
scientific information
.valuate and compare the classification of animals.
"echnolog# uses Student #ill use %idspiration to create a diagram for animal
$aterials Computer #ith %idspiration soft#are
/iolog! books
0en and paper
%rocedure $ Teacher introduce the lesson in motivation #a! using slides
and pictures
$ ask if the students have a favorite animal
$ 1s background information
$ 0ut students in groups to research and create their groups
of animals and put information on each group using
$ .ach group #ill present their finished diagram
Assessment Students #ill be graded on+
2. their team #ork
). (nformation the! gathered for each group
3. the group presentation and diagram

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