Midnightmix Upscript

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Cristal, Megan, and Josh

"Midnight Mix-up"
C: [laying down on settee, texting]
J: [jumps through window, starts stealing stuff] [goes up behind Cristal and taes phone out of
her hand]
C: "!""#"
J: "!""#"
C: ""ey that$s my phone, gi%e it ba&#" [stands up and slaps Josh, grabs phone and they tug it
ba& and forth]
J: [gets a hold of the phone, pun&hes C, and goes ba& to stealing stuff]
C: ""'(" [steps towards J, jumps on his ba& and puts him in a &hoehold]
J: [struggles, then pushes C off, grabs and drags her by the hair]
M: ""oney, what$s going o- )" M( *)+"#" [runs to J, pun&hes him, M helps C up] "!re you
C: "(eah /$m fine, 0hat really hurt#"
J: [&omes up behind M and C, grabs their hair and no&s their heads together, goes ba& to
stealing stuff]
M: "/$m going to &all the poli&e," [dials 122 on phone]
J: "3o#" [grabs phone from M and hangs it up, pun&hes her]
C: "'x&use you#" [taps J on his shoulder and slaps him as soon as he turns around]
M: "0hat$s my girl#" [M and C grab J and throw him out the window]
J: [pees through window] "Can / at least ha%e my bag ba&."
M and C: "3)#"

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