Assignment 3 Development Final

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Kuriger 1

Robert Kuriger
ENG 215
14 February 2014
Professional development summary
n !emp"is# $ennessee a fe% s&"ools used t%o different met"ods of professional development
to figure out %"i&" %ill "ave a better impa&t on t"e tea&"ers' n one group t"e tea&"ers %ere being
videotaped in &lass and t"en t"ey %ould %or( %it" &oa&"es by p"one and email to boost t"eir tea&"ing
s(ills' $"e ot"er group of tea&"ers %ould log onto an online forum and "ave dis&ussions on %"at
met"ods %or(s best to "elp t"e students learn' $"e tea&"ers %ere evaluated using t"e seven )*s+ &are#
&ontrol# &larify# &"allenge# &aptivate# &onfer# and &onsolidate' $"e &oa&"es told t"e tea&"ers %"at t"ey
did %ell %it" and %ould point out t"e areas for improvement and %ould %or( %it" t"em to "elp &"ange
t"e %ays t"ey %ere tea&"ing' $"e se&ond group of tea&"ers "ad a&&ess to an online group t"at featured
instru&tional material# videos# arti&les# and lin(s to "elp t"em improve in t"e seven )*s' ,n t"is online
group t"e tea&"ers "ad t"e ability to intera&t %it" ea&" ot"er t"roug" group dis&ussion %"ere t"ey &ould
s"are t"e best %ays to tea&"'
$"e fe% tea&"ers t"at too( part in t"e video training said t"at it is t"e -most transformational
form of professional development t" ever re&eived'/ $"e &oa&"es t"at "elped t"ese tea&"ers made
t"em refle&t on %"at t"ey &ould do and improve in some of t"e areas of t"e seven )*s' $"ere %ere 120
tea&"ers t"at %ere involved in t"e videotaping pro0e&t but only 41 a&tually parti&ipated in it' n t"e
online &ommunity 150 tea&"ers %ere eligible to 0oin and only 250 "ave 0oined' $"is s"o%s t"at not all
tea&"ers %ill be devoted to "elping t"e &lasses but t"ere are fe% t"at %ill and bot" of t"ese e2periments
"elp out immensely'
Kuriger 2
3avis# !i&"elle R' 45tudy 6ims to Evaluate $e&"7Related $ea&"er P3'4 ,nline
posting'Education Week' N'p'# 2 Feb' 2018' 9eb' 25 Feb' 2014'

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